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How Many Innovations Are Carefully Planned?
Most innovations come from responding to a customer’s needs, or finding a niche where products need improvement or extension. It is rare to innovate using a blank sheet of paper in a room with bare walls and no other contributors.
Gather the Support You’ll Need as Your Business Grows
Change happens. Finding or creating the support you need for a changing business can be daunting, but if you establish a steady support system at home, recognize your own shortcomings, and remain flexible, it’s much easier.
Are You Measuring What Matters?
In my later years with the Vikings, we measured and studied the criteria of a successful offense, and it made a huge impact on our team. And believe it or not, we did it by applying lessons I learned on the factory floors of the textile mills of South Carolina and Georgia.
Adaptability the Key to Long-Term Survival
One thing we can be certain about is that nothing is certain—no matter how much we plan. While planning is critical and necessary, no plan is a guarantee.
8 Ways to Tell if Your Startup is Ready to Innovate
What sparks paradigm-shifting innovation in any business? It’s a special mix of entrepreneur and company, regular in every respect except for having the courage and foresight to make an idea happen that was supposed to be impossible.
Stop Competing: Start Winning by Innovating II
In your business or your life, are you a competer or an innovator? No, “competers” is not a misprint. It’s an original term for those who reflexively compete rather than seek to gain a strategic advantage through innovation.
What I Finally Got About “Unlearning”
Unlearning has become a popular concept recently. At first, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it, I tended to think it a clever play on words. But over time, I’ve started to grasp the importance of “unlearning.”
The Courage to Commit and Execute
Developing new strategies and new programs is exciting. The problem is committing to the execution of the programs. It’s no longer about powerful ideas, but it’s the tough work of making it happen.