Customer Service
How to Overcome Brand-Killing Customer Service Glitches
Most of us have experienced them… customer service glitches. Those nasty technological boo-boos that make us want to scream! Now, place yourself in your customers’ shoes experiencing those glitches with your business or organization. Ouch. No matter…
7 Tips to Deal with Unhappy Customers
No one likes to receive a complaint—but complaints are worth their weight in gold if an organization learns from them and then uses the information to improve the customer experience. Customer complaints can be used…
Dealing with an Upset Customer
Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you’ve really got a…
Increase Customer Loyalty by Maximizing Touchpoints
Improve customer experience, increase loyalty to your brand, and enjoy more successful touchpoints when you follow these guidelines on how to maximize every interaction you have with your customers. Analyze Your Methods Your company probably…
Treat Your Customers with Respect
“Customers may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.” ~Unknown So many businesses just do not seem to respect their customers. Some of the common issues I see that…
Do You See What I See?
Some time ago, I wrote a post generating a lot of interest titled “Have You Called Your Office Lately?” The post centered on the fact that we must experience what our customer does when calling…
7 Ways Customer Surveys Can Grow Your Conversion Rate
When you create a survey with a specific goal in mind, your number one priority is, naturally, to achieve that goal. Businesses on the Internet are highly dependent on traffic and unique visitors who access…
How Much Do You Focus on Your Customers’ Needs and Wants?
Do you know your customers’ needs and wants? No, I mean really know their needs and wants? It appears that 38% of marketers find this their number-one challenge, regardless of company size or industry. According to the…
Why Excellent Customer Service is Essential to Startup Success
According to the book “Leading on the Edge of Chaos” by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy, 68% of customers leave a business because of bad customer service. That is an astonishing number when…
Rewarding Customer Loyalty Pays Dividends
There is a big difference between a satisfied customer and a loyal customer. ~ Shep Hyken When first starting a business, your focus is trying to attract customers by offering products and services they want….