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Working with Lenders
4 Essential Steps to Modify Your Commercial Loan
Most small business owners have been accosted with a slew of real estate based troubles. While many have heard about residential loan modifications, small business owners may find themselves in a modification dilemma as well.
Is a Merchant Cash Advance the Best Option for You?
The idea of merchant cash advances may seem quite appealing. Merchant cash advances tend to be known for their quick approval, acceptance of poorer credit scores, and reasonable repayment schedule.
Financing Challenges for Flower Shop Owners
Has your flower shop repeatedly applied for funding only to be denied? You’re not alone. Many small business owners—including florists—are reporting limited access to capital, making it difficult for them to aggressively pursue growth opportunities.
How to Get a Business Loan: What You Might Not Know
A lot of what it takes to get a business loan is common sense. Get your credit in order, be professional, and make certain you can provide your own investment. These seem like no-brainers, right?
What Are Small Business Lending Options for Sporting Goods Stores?
Sporting goods stores have no offseason; they’re constantly adhering to customers’ demands and purchasing inventory for every new season that comes. And like any small business, sporting goods stores need financing in order to keep up with the constant demand they face on a daily basis.
Alternative Lending Challenges for Franchise Owners
Since the financial crisis, alternative lending companies have begun to take the place of more traditional lending options. While you may struggle to meet the requirements for a bank loan, it’s a different story with alternative lending.
Alternative Financing for Full-Service Restaurants
If your full-service restaurant has applied for and been denied a bank loan in the past, you’re not alone. Historically, restaurants have been one of the riskiest industries for entrepreneurs to undertake and banks have always been weary of lending to them.
3 Alternative Ways to Finance Your Small Business
As a small business, finding access to finance when you need it most can be very challenging and might seem impossible but there are alternatives to taking out bank loans or using your own personal funds to overcome a cash flow crisis.
Does the Success or Failure of Your Business Depend on Cash Flow?
Cash flow is simply the net change in a company’s cash position from one period to the next. So, can something that sounds so mundane really mean the difference between the success or failure of your business?
6 Tips for Improving Your Company’s Credit Rating
Small businesses often find themselves at the mercy of creditors, and their view of your company will often be based in no small part on its credit rating. Some of the factors involved in compiling a credit rating might remain outside of your control and depend on external factors but there are ways to help give your company the best chance of achieving and maintaining a valuably solid credit rating.