Tax and Accounting

Businesses Should Review Depreciation Deductions Rules

Businesses should know the tax rules for deducting depreciation on certain property. This deduction can benefit eligible business taxpayers. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made changes to the rules around depreciation that will affect…

Should All Businesses Produce a Cash Flow Statement?

When you’re running a business, cash flow is extremely important. All businesses have the same goal: to have more money coming in than there is going out. A positive cash flow enables your business to…

Americans Abroad on Self-Employment Taxes on Foreign Income

How does self-employment tax work for those Americans, who live abroad, travel the world and work for themselves? Well, you still have to pay US taxes on foreign income if you are a freelancer, independent…

How Long Should I Keep My Tax Records?

Now that you are filing away your business or personal tax records for the year, you may be wondering just how long you need to keep those records. After all, your filing cabinets and storage…

Tax Reform Ideas to Reflect How Small Businesses Operate in the Modern World

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act brought several improvements for small businesses, most notably, favorable accounting methods such as use of the cash method and not having to deal with the Unicap rules. The AICPA Tax…

Payroll Tax vs. Income Tax: How They Work for Canadian Payroll

Payroll tax and income tax. These two short, simple words are the source of so many payroll questions (and confusion). It’s really no wonder because as laypeople, we hear or read “income tax”—we think personal…

Common Bookkeeping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Bookkeeping can be the bane of many a business owner. But it doesn’t have to be the onerous chore it’s often made out to be. Avoiding bookkeeping mistakes can keep your business successful and headed…

Bookkeeping vs. Accounting

Accurate and complete financial records are essential to the success of any business. Bookkeeping and accounting are two processes business owners rely on to track and understand their finances. Actually, the line between bookkeeping and…

What is the Schedule K-1 Tax Form for Businesses?

Are you a partner in a business? Do you receive distributions from an S corporation? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then the business entity you participate in should have provided you…

3 Financial Statements Companies Need to Understand

There are three financial statements that every company needs to understand, review and produce, on an annual basis, at a minimum. These consist of the Profit and Loss statement (P&L), Balance Sheet (BASH) and the…

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