What to Do If You Can’t Pay Your Small Business’s Tax Bill
Tax season can be a very frightening time of the year for a small business owner. Technically, anyone who expects to owe more than $1,000 to the IRS in taxes is supposed to send in quarterly estimated tax payments, but for new startups especially it can be difficult to gather up the full amount due to pay.
What is a Merchant Cash Advance Anyway?
If you’re just getting into a business, perhaps your first foray into entrepreneurial territory at all, you’ll probably hear the words “merchant cash advance” at some point along the way.
The “Inciting Incident” and Investors
If you are a screenplay writer, you are familiar with the dogma of the inciting incident. In a movie, the inciting incident is the event at the beginning of the story which causes the hero’s life to be completely transformed and irrevocably changed, and which makes the whole story unfold.
3 Key Strategies for Pricing Your Product
When we first launched Ministry of Supply, we sold our Apollo shirt for a whopping $128. Our price for the shirt then moved down to $88, back up to $108 and finally landed on $98.
10 Tax Tips for Work-at-Homers
When you file taxes as a solo business owner, things are more complicated than those days when you may have a received a W2 from a single employer. However, you’ve also got plenty of opportunities to trim your tax bill.
How to Find a Venture Capital Firm Aligned with Your Values
You’ve got the ideas. You’ve got the plan. You’ve even got a potential staff. What you don’t have is the money. Pairing with a venture capital firm can be promising but precarious.
The Allure of Low Prices
I missed the irony on my first read of the email in which a marketing firm talked about pricing. The second reading left me laughing. It never ceases to amaze me how alluring low prices are to sellers.
$1,500 Home Office Deduction Option: IRS Reminder
The IRS reminded people with home-based businesses that this year for the first time they can choose a new simplified option for claiming the deduction for business use of a home.
Business Licensing Tax Implications
Becoming a licensed business is an important step that every startup must take when it comes time to sell a product or service. Here are a few ways that obtaining a license will impact your business.
Benefits of an Accountant for Your Startup
While deciding against hiring a professional accountant saves money, people tend to be unaware of the many advantages that an accountant can provide to a start-up business. Below is a list of the benefits that come with hiring an accountant.