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3 Tips to Take Your Blog to the Next Level

By: Becky Wilson


How to Be a Successful Blogger

Content marketing is a low-cost marketing tactic that can net major results when used properly. In fact, a recent study found that 31 percent of companies utilizing a content marketing strategy saw 27 percent higher win rates on average than those without one.

An effective marketing strategy is about more than cranking out blog posts. From optimizing posts for SEO to creating evergreen content that drives engagement, creating a content strategy takes skill and an understanding of current marketing trends and search engine algorithms. 

Ready to take your business blog to the next level? Here are three tips to help get you started.

1. Develop a Content Strategy

Writing individual blog posts every few weeks, even if they’re optimized for SEO, isn’t a content strategy. Instead, your marketing blueprint for success should mean creating engaging evergreen content on an effective schedule. Each blog post should build on the next, driving traffic to your website and turning leads into customers.

Unless you have extensive experience, creating the most effective content marketing strategy takes a skilled professional. Hiring a professional content marketing team is a great way to make the most of your blog and put it to use, thereby increasing website traffic and conversions.

2. Update Old Posts

If you’ve been posting to your blog long before you started optimizing your content strategy, it’s time to pay your old posts a visit. Reworking, updating and optimizing old blog content is a great way to make the most of existing investments and ensure that every corner of your blog is working together toward your overall marketing strategy. 

When updating older content, don’t create an entirely new post. Instead, edit the content directly in the old post. Update information that’s no longer relevant, and make tweaks to ensure your content matches your current style and tone. Then, create a new blog post that links back to the old one. This will keep you from losing any links and SEO that your old post was already generating, while still creating content that new readers will find useful and share-worthy.

3. Encourage Social Sharing

With nearly 4 billion people active on at least one social media platform, including social media buttons on your blog posts is a great way to expand your reach. Asking readers to follow you on Facebook or Twitter only goes so far. But when a social media button is right there on the page, the chances of someone clicking it to share what they just read is greatly increased.

Adding social media buttons is good for more than just increasing your blog’s reach. You can also use it to improve your content strategy by tracking your metrics. If one piece of content receives more likes and shares than others, or another sees a big drop in engagement, you can quickly and easily adjust your strategy to reflect what you’ve learned.

Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Taking your business blog to the next level is a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase lead generation. By optimizing your content marketing strategy with some professional expertise, updating old blog posts so that they will continue working for you, and implementing social media buttons to increase sharing, you can improve your blog strategies and start seeing results, fast.

Published: March 4, 2021

becky wilson

Becky Wilson

Becky Wilson is a writing enthusiast with a deep interest in topics related to Financial Institutions. Spending a good amount of time researching around the same, whenever possible Becky also likes sharing the useful information with people who may find it helpful.

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