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Top Digital Signage Trends for 2019

By: Chloe Ward


Top Digital Signage Trends for 2019

Digital signage has long been a popular marketing method utilized by both small and large companies alike, and in 2019, we can expect to see even more business taking advantage of the benefits that this powerful marketing tool has to offer.

The digital signage scene is set to undergo some major changes which will help to shape the sector in 2019 and beyond. Today, we will be looking at how the industry is expected to evolve, with a focus on the upcoming digital signage trends that will unfold throughout the year.

A Major Step Forward for Artificial Intelligence

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 10 years, you will have heard the term ‘artificial intelligence,’ and in 2019 it is set to revolutionize the digital signage scene. Artificial intelligence—whether you realize it or not—has already made its way into our lives.

Artificial intelligence lends itself perfectly to the digital signage sector, giving retailers the ability to track and analyze consumer behavior and purchasing patterns in real time without violating privacy rights.

Should digital signage fully embrace the powers of artificial intelligence in 2019, retailers will be able to make marketing decisions based on genuine customer-based research, which will help when optimizing content for their industrial displays, helping to engaging customers and in turn, boosting sales. A win-win for those in the retail sector.

Despite its universally recognized nature, artificial intelligence has been somewhat restricted when it comes to online video and use across the wider digital ad industry, but in 2019 all that is about to change once AI is introduced across the digital signage sector.

The Year of Video

Year after year, video has proven itself as a key form of communication across the digital ad industry, but could 2019 be the year video dominates? Simple answer: yes.

This year, we can expect to see the powerful advertising medium overtaking all traditional forms of advertising used for digital signage, with spending on digital video forecasted to increase throughout the year with social and mobile video ads dominating.

Virtual Assistants to Encourage Sales

Virtual assistants in the home were all the rage in 2018, but in 2019, it’s all about virtual assistants in the business. Helping with employee time management and reducing the need to carry out repetitive and tedious tasks, virtual assistants in the workplace have become increasingly popular and 2019 could be the year they triumph.

Virtual assistants should be interactive, giving customers the ability to personalize their shopping experience, as well as communicative, informing customers of any deals, offers and special events throughout the purchasing process which will in turn, encourage sales.

Virtual assistants have continued to progress and improve throughout their reign within the digital ad industry, and now have the ability to deliver an interactive experience unlike any other. Technology, such as ‘lift and learn’ solutions can now help computers inform customers in real time and based on artificial intelligence.

Digital technology is becoming more and more dynamic and suited to the needs and demands of consumers, which can be seen through the rise of AI and interactivity within the digital ad sector.

The industry has made great improvements throughout the years and 2019 is only the beginning of what is yet to come.

Published: February 5, 2019

chloe ward

Chloe Ward

Chloe Ward is a Marketing Executive for the Fortec Group and looks after the marketing for Display Technology and sister company Components Bureau. Follow @DisplayTech on Facebook and @display_tech on Twitter.

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