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You Were Good at Everything Before Someone Said Otherwise

By: Jania Bailey


You Were Good at Everything

When we were younger, we felt like anything was possible. We were artists, singers, dancers, scientists, mathematicians, writers, and maybe even the occasional wizard or superhero. Of course, we realized we couldn’t actually move objects with sheer willpower like Matilda or fly and smash through buildings like Superman, but what about the other, completely attainable attributes?

When you say you can’t start a business or be a franchise business owner or succeed as an entrepreneur, is that true or were you told these things by other people? Our innocence of the world and how we fit in was quickly replaced with doubt and uncertainty. To move forward and spark innovation, we must rethink the motivation, rewards and tasks we are involved with. What happens when we keep ourselves from trying new things?


We lose our ability to let go of insecurities and enjoy our unique perspectives. You don’t have to be an artist to show your creativity and personal expression will benefit every organization. Evaluate where you are now and ask if it is something that mirrors your passions and inspires you. If you have an innovative idea that could improve your business, don’t let others keep you in a position that labels you incapable to express that clever idea. Believe in your creative ideas and let them take you to where you want to be.


We accept our judge’s remarks as an accurate portrayal of who we are and live with their limitations. Judgment is part of your personal and professional life and it will always be there. That doubt stems from the moment you convinced yourself that you weren’t good enough. Overcoming that notion will allow you to do what you are meant to do, which is express yourself, be proud and create.


When we block our natural curiosities and avoid things we think we aren’t good at we lose the chance to be happier. A constant barrage of self-directed insults that repeat how inadequate you are or solidify that you can’t achieve what you put your mind to is never going to get you to a place of real peace and contentment.

When you hear that you can’t do something, don’t believe it. If you want to be your own boss or bring a vision to life, do it. You don’t know if you can or cannot without trying, you might even learn something about yourself on the way.

Published: February 3, 2016

Source: FranNet

a person

Jania Bailey

Jania Bailey is president/COO of FranNet, North America’s most well-respected franchise consulting firm. Bailey sits on the board of directors for the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is a certified franchise expert. Her background includes over 25 years experience in the banking and franchise industries.  Bailey also authored the book, “Thriving – The Journey to Success in the Business World.” 

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