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Asana: A Project Manager’s Ultimate Convenience

By: Matt Gossett


As soon as your small business starts to take on several projects at once, it can be a daunting task for management to keep track of progress by way of traditional email communication. Fortunately, many software tools are available that enable teams to accomplish tasks and achieve project goals with much more efficiency by working off a digital project management platform.

Founded by ex-Facebook and Google employees, Asana is a powerful tool that’s been designed to help businesses maximize collaborative work efficiency and ease tension between managers and their project team in an otherwise hectic office environment. I’ll proceed to explain how using Asana’s project management software can improve the way your business handles work flow.
Teamwork without Email
Asana’s project management software offers a number of features that are simply not available to teams that stick to communicating by email. Asana gives project managers the power of organizing initiatives while allowing team members to create, assign, follow and comment on tasks as they’re accomplished. Since tasks and conversations are grouped together, following the progress of a task becomes much easier than browsing your email history for conversations and file attachments.
Multiple Projects Managed in One Place
Asana is not only useful for the efficiency that it provides project teams but also for the transparency that it offers upper-level management who can easily track the progress of projects that are being worked on by various teams all in the same place. It goes without saying that Asana saves businesses valuable time when they are able to space out or even eliminate meetings and progress reports from their daily work flow, leaving more time for meaningful work to get done.
Usefulness for Project Managers
Asana becomes a useful tool for project managers who can assign each task within a project to an individual member of their team. Managers also benefit from the ease of tracking task progress so that they don’t have to interrupt the work flow of their team members by constantly asking for updates. Asana also makes it easy to prioritize tasks by assigning importance and milestones to projects as they are completed. In this way, Asana makes it easy to see when projects fall off schedule for meeting critical deadlines.
Get Started
If Asana seems like it might be useful in running your small business, I encourage you to go ahead and started by signing up for a free basic account, which offers access of up to 15 members on an unlimited number of projects and tasks. Starting at $50/month, premium plans offer project managers the ability to assign tasks and projects privately within teams, to add third-party guests to work on projects when outside assistance is needed, and to access a dedicated account manager at Asana for first-in-line support.
Click here to be directed to Asana’s website.
Published: February 13, 2014

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Matt Gossett

Matt Gossett is a writer and editor for Tarkenton Companies. A graduate of Washington and Lee, Matt is currently studying International Business at the HEC School of Management in Paris. He specializes in leadership issues, combining insight from business, athletics, and education. Connect with him on

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