Financial Literacy for Seniors: How Businesses Can Help

A senior citizen sits in a lecture hall listening to a speaker present a financial planning seminar

As seniors age, it becomes increasingly important to understand financial concepts and make informed decisions about their money. This is where businesses can play a crucial role in promoting financial literacy for seniors. By providing educational resources and support, businesses can help seniors better understand their finances and make sound financial decisions. Victoria Gerrard, La…

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What Nursing Homes Will Look Like Post-Pandemic

While 2020 was a terrible year for most everyone involved, few can match the horrible experience that came to nursing homes. In the United States, nursing home residents and staff account for 36% of coronavirus deaths. In certain states, that number is above 50%. That is hundreds of thousands of senior citizens and their caretakers…

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How to Target Older Generations for Growth

Approximately 1 in every 6 Americans is aged 65 or older (16.5% share), with their share of the population rising. Yet, the marketing and advertising world still has a “thing” about young people. Many TV spots and ads tend to focus on youthful, happy people. Perhaps advertisers believe that fresh-faced actors will attract customers and…

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How Are You Targeting Your 50+ Customers?

The 50+ demographic in the US currently stands at 115M strong and will reach 132M by 2030. These customers represent $7.6 trillion of annual economic activity—equivalent to the third largest economy in the world. (AARP) Their purchasing power is especially noticeable in these categories: Baby Boomers Purchasing Power, Ad Reliance Yet, most advertising campaigns target…

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You’re 50. You’re Downsized. Now What?

As you may have witnessed yourself, the job market no longer provides the long-term security it once offered. Previous generations grew accustomed to a certain career and the length of time they would be in that job—this is now less of a reality than ever before.
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Does Your Marketing Reflect Older Customers? 10 Tips

Did you know that 2 billion people worldwide will be 60 years and older by 2050, according to the World Health Organization? That’s one in five people! Whether yours is a small to medium B2C or B2B business or nonprofit organization, is it ready now, and for the future, in accommodating this demographic?
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