I-9 Forms: Do’s and Don’ts

Employers are required to complete and retain a Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) for all new hires. On March 8, 2013, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a revised version of the I-9. Employers must begin using the new version by May 7, 2013. The updated I-9 provides employers with an opportunity to review their employment eligibility verification practices. In this Tip, we provide some do’s and don’ts for completing and retaining the I-9 form.
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What Employment Laws Apply to My Company?

Employers are required to comply with numerous federal, state, and local employment laws. Certain laws affect virtually all employers, including but not limited to, the FLSA, IRCA, the OSH Act, and USERRA. Other laws, such as COBRA or FMLA, only apply to employers of a certain size. In this Tip, we provide a summary of some of the major federal employment laws based on employer size.
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Interns: “Do I Have to Pay Them?” and Other FAQs

Interns across the country will be joining the workplace this summer to learn new skills and apply what they’ve learned in the classroom. When they do, questions about how to structure the program, whether the intern is entitled to pay, and what records are needed to document the relationship often arise. In this Tip, we answer common questions about internships.
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12 Myths about Overtime Exemptions

Under federal law, non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay. While exempt employees need not be paid overtime, they must meet very specific salary and duties criteria outlined in the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). Understanding overtime requirements can be challenging and complying with the FLSA requires employees to be properly classified. In this Tip, we provide 12 of the most common myths concerning overtime and exemptions.
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6 Steps to Win City Contracts

The New York City Department of Education (NYC DoE) is the largest system of public schools in the United States. At any given time, there are literally hundreds of contracts open to the market for potential bids.
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12 Essential Workplace Policies

Having formal written policies in place is important for demonstrating compliance with certain federal, state, and local laws and for communicating workplace rules and procedures to employees. Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of creating an employee handbook is figuring out which policies to include. In this Tip, we have identified a list of 12 essential policies.
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Business Licenses 101

Starting a business involves a great deal of filling out and filing the appropriate paperwork to get up and running. A lot of it is fun to work on—picking a business name, logo, color scheme and location—but there’s also plenty of legal work that new small business owners need to think about.
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