Poor Staffing Decisions

No entrepreneur lives in the utopia of having zero turnover (although sometimes they might like to make it seem that way), but certainly making the right staffing decisions by putting people in the right roles can allow your startup venture to scale quickly. The wrong staffing decisions can leave your new company mired in constant unplanned change.
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Realizing the Value of IT for Your Small Business

IT (Information Technology) offers a spectrum of opportunities to progress a small business to the next level. Some technologies are extremely effective at improving productivity and minimizing downtime. However, all small businesses are unique, and each operation demands a different approach to utilizing technology.
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6 Ways to Cultivate Creativity in Your Company

The startup scene today is an overcrowded space where companies are constantly vying for talent. But hiring talented people is only the first step in cultivating an innovative and creative environment. Building a workplace where there is a constant exchange of ideas involves finding the right formula for your company and culture.
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Coaching for Better Performance

Coaching is one skill that managers should practice on a continual basis, as it has become so much more important in recent times. With fewer staff members and a sustained emphasis on reducing costs, managers are being challenged to coax the best possible performance out of everyone on their team.
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5 Fatal Flaws in Your Productivity and Time Management Strategy

If you’ve ever looked at your watch and wondered where the day went; if you’ve ever had a list of things to do and haven’t accomplished much on that list in your week; if you’ve ever thought, “I have too many things to do and not enough hours in the day”—then you most likely have fatal flaws in your productivity and time management strategy.
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3 Ways to Support People in High Performance Environments

Consistently challenging your team and setting the bar high is only effective if you have the proper support in place. Failure to have a level of support that matches your expectations will not only make it difficult for individuals to meet their targets, it will also create an unnecessary source of stress internally.
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Manage Your Bottlenecks!

The definition of a bottleneck in your business is one that constricts the flow of work from one area to another in the flow of product or service through your organization. A bottleneck in your organization’s flow can happen, shift, or disappear quickly.
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3 Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring for Your Startup

One of the hardest but most exciting things about being a young entrepreneur, first-time business owner, or even a startup manager is the hiring process. But there are a few things you have to think about before green-lighting a new startup employee, especially in the earliest stages of starting up.
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Rising Early Will Help Your Productivity

There are many advantages of starting your day early that relate to productivity and health. Getting up early, however, is not for everyone. But a few years ago, a study by the University of Texas found a correlation between grade point averages and early rising.
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