Crypto Currency: The Newest Investment Tool for Your Business

By now you probably already know that crypto currency is a form of online money. However, there is a major difference between regular currency and crypto currency. To start off, some form of government usually issues regular currency. Crypto currency on the other hand is usually transferred from one holder to another. The process involves…

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This Groundbreaking New Device Gets Stores More Customers

This little device is putting brick-and-mortar retailers back into the consumer spotlight where they belong and helping drive more customers to their stores. This innovation has the potential to transform the retail landscape and allow even the smallest independent retailer to gain a competitive advantage over online retailers in the digital age. Built by technology…

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5 Ways of Caring for Your POS

No matter how durable your POS hardware is, it is still subject to wear and tear because of long hours of operation every day. This cannot be avoided especially in a busy restaurant. You need to maintain your POS to ensure its longevity and there are five ways to do this: Clean Your POS Before…

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