Here’s How to Handle Bad Publicity

Small businesses are not easy to maintain. If your company is smaller, that probably means you only offer a few select services or products. You have to do well within a particular niche because if you don’t, you’re not going to survive year after year. Publicity matters a great deal. You never want to find…

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5 Key Questions to Ask an Attorney


There are over 1.3 million lawyers operating in the United States today, according to the latest statistics, and there may come a time when you need to call on their services. It could be connected to a criminal charge, an auto accident claim, an injury you suffered that wasn’t your fault, or something entirely different.…

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5 Tips To Enhance Personal Injury Compensation

Unfortunately, personal injury lawsuits are quite common, as statistics confirm that accidental harm and medical malpractice are behind a staggering third of the deaths in the United States of America alone. While there are quite a few different types of personal injury cases, slips and falls and car accidents are among the most prominent cases.…

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Outsource Legal Services for Affordability

In today’s global economy, businesses must find new ways to do business for less money.  This is particularly true when buying legal counsel and legal services.   As a result, clients analyze and question the costs and work associated with each invoiceable item.  Common questions raised include which services can be outsourced.  Must every service…

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5 Keys To Reducing Startup Risk By Building On Trends

It may not be as sexy, but starting a new business which builds on an existing technology or business model is usually less risky than introducing that ultimate new disruptive technology. There are many levels of innovation that go beyond copying someone else’s idea, but stop short of pushing the leading edge (bleeding edge). Many…

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How to Avoid Lawsuits Against Your Property

These days, you probably have your plate full with the restrictions and economic impact imposed by the pandemic. You worry about surges in infection numbers and whether there will be another full lockdown. You wonder whether you will be forced to close your doors in order to comply with current guidelines. On top of that,…

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3 Tricks to Managing Seasonal Employees

Whether you hire seasonal employees for the holidays, during the summer, or for any other snapshot in time, working with people temporarily is far from easy. There’s the practical aspect, of course—the bummer of training someone and getting them up to speed, only to lose that investment in just a few short weeks or months.…

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Data Collection is About to Get Much More Dangerous

On January First, 2020, California will enact the toughest data protection laws ever, far outpacing Europe’s General Data Protection Act (GDPR). Called the California Consumer Privacy Ace (CCPA), few of us are even aware of this and need to know. California often leads the nation in protective acts, and it is likely that other states…

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