What’s Your Bell Curve Look Like?

We tend to think about organizational performance in terms of “bell curves” or some sort of distribution curve. The typical bell curve looks something like this: The performance of our people is on the X (horizontal) axis, the number of our people is on the Y (vertical) axis. The bell curve typically has us thinking…

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Bye-bye Boomers! Adios Gen Xers! Millennials in Management

As we look toward the coming year, I think it’s a good time to take a “long view” of how we are assimilating Millennials into our companies. The position of Millennials in the workforce is a topic often covered in business blogs like mine, and that’s a good thing because it’s an important issue. Exactly…

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Servant Salespersonship

Some of the more cynical (or perhaps worn down) of you will misread the title, thinking, “Dave, we’re already slaves to our jobs, managers, companies. What are you doing?” I’m really thinking about applying the principles and concepts of “Servant Leadership” to sales and our relationships with customers. Servant leadership concepts can be traced back…

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The Price of Leadership

We just named a new president to run Maddock Douglas, the innovation consultancy I founded 27 years ago. As you can imagine, finding the right person was difficult, but the decision was made easier because Maria, our new president, understands the fundamental facts of leading that too many seem to be missing lately. Anyone can…

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5 Things All Great Leaders Do to Create a Culture of Leadership

What’s the secret to creating a culture of leadership that will take your organization forward for years to come? There is no secret—it starts at the top with you. In my experience as a leadership speaker and consultant, it starts with senior leaders reflecting internally—to understand their purpose, gain clarity about what they stand for and…

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8 Creativity Traits That Will Improve Your Leadership

Starting a new venture is all about being creative, not just in the initial solution, but in tackling the daily challenges of every new and innovative business. In my role as business advisor, I find too many people still looking for the right answers in the back of the book. Most of what you learned…

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8 Change Leadership Strategies for Sustainable Results

Most change initiatives fail. This is a fact that too few leaders truly understand. Change is never easy. People are resistant to it and people will not just change because you tell them to. All it takes is one leader who wants to make their mark on a company to leave a sour taste, and…

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How to Be a Good Leader in the Digital Age

Leadership, like everything else in the modern age, just ain’t what it used to be. Everything is “digital” nowadays, but what that means goes beyond the singular devices and processes that we refer to as “digital.” Sure, apps, the cloud, 3D printers, smart TVs — these things are all digital innovations. However, as Wharton University’s…

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Leaders Need to Change First Before Organizations Change

In our last article, we discussed Transformative Leadership and Change Realization. Now let’s discuss the importance for leaders to understand their own need to change first before an organization can change. Leaders Need to Evolve in Order for the Organization to Follow Suit A common theme that has emerged throughout my years of experience as a leadership expert is…

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