Don’t Ignore These Key Considerations When You’re Just Starting Out

If you’re interested in getting started in business, you’ve likely begun brainstorming about where you might go and what you could be. You’re thinking about all the different possibilities this broad and exciting field could offer you. But there are some key considerations when you’re just starting out that can’t be ignored. Remember, there are…

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Experience Does(n’t) Matter

Experience is an interesting thing. It is, sometimes, very helpful. But, too often it limits us. Experience can be helpful. As we do our work, our past experience in similar situations shapes how we address current situations. We know how to respond to customers that ask certain questions, or when certain things happen, we know…

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This is What Happens When You Don’t Own Your Experience

As an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, speaker, or business owner, you know how important it is to forge your own path. Unfortunately, sometimes that work gets in the way of your confidence in your own abilities. This leads to you undervaluing your work, overextending yourself, and charging less than you should for your hard work. You…

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Are You Selling Your Experience or Your Value?

Too often, we confuse our experience with creating value. While they are linked, they are distinctly different. Our experience focuses on us–perhaps reference customers that we have worked with in the past. “We’ve worked with Google, Microsoft, Siemens, General Motors…” These are supposed to demonstrate our customer base, implying we’ve done great things with them,…

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Are You Selling Your Experience or Your Value?

Too often, we confuse our experience with creating value. While they are linked, they are distinctly different. Our experience focuses on us–perhaps reference customers that we have worked with in the past. “We’ve worked with Google, Microsoft, Siemens, General Motors…” These are supposed to demonstrate our customer base, implying we’ve done great things with them,…

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An Experienced Coach Has Seen Your Movie Before

Business coaches come in all sizes and shapes. Entrepreneurs will have a relative willing to devote time, a school friend with business experience, professionals who charge for the service, investors with a reason to promote your success and more. But by far the best coaches are those that have lived through the process you’re going…

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Lessons from a Middle-Aged Entrepreneur

What is your biggest regret in life? When you ask our seniors this question, you often get a surprising answer. Karl Pillemer, Ph.D., is the keeper of The Legacy Project at Cornell University. When Dr. Pillemer asked 1,200+ elders this question, they often answered, “I wish I hadn’t spent so much of my life worrying.” They lamented…

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What’s More Important: Experience or Experiences?

The other day I was speaking to a large group of sales people. Many were very new to sales; they had been selling for only a few years. During the conversation, one person asked how she should progress in her career. She and several others related they were looking for new jobs. They saw opportunities…

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