5 Ideas To Increase Weekday Foot Traffic to Your Bar

multicultural business colleagues playing table football together in office

For bars, breweries, restaurants, and other drinking establishments, it’s not hard to get a full house on the weekend. But what sets a bar apart from the rest is how well it can draw a crowd during the week. If you’re looking for ways to increase the foot traffic to your bar on weekdays, we’ve…

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Savvy Marketing Strategies for Restaurant Owners 

Three people collaborate around a laptop and smartphone at a small café table, with a cup of coffee in the foreground.

As a restaurant owner, standing out in a crowded market and attracting more customers can be a challenge. However, with the right marketing strategies, you can increase your visibility and appeal to a wider audience. Here are some effective ways to market your restaurant and draw in more diners 1. Leverage Social Media  Utilize platforms…

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5 Key Steps For Organizing a Business Event


We are not exactly at the end of the world pandemic, but we’re coming to the ease of social distancing. More and more people are going back to work normally. Are you in charge of coordinating the company’s upcoming event? Do you have an celebrated event to plan but don’t know where to start? Whether…

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How to Plan A Socially Distant Corporate Event

Now that the pandemic is, hopefully, in its last stage, we can finally enjoy some of the pre-pandemic social events. The ongoing health crisis has made us all more cautious when out in public, but it has also spurred many creative ways to socialize. So, if you’re thinking of organizing a social event to give…

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How To Host A COVID-Safe Office Holiday Party

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, many workers have been left with no choice but to work from home for the majority of the year. And, with restrictions consistently coming out banning gatherings of six people upwards, many people were concerned one of the big work-related events of the year would be unable to take…

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So You Want to Start Your Own Party Planning Business…

If you love nothing more than organising a great party and know that you have a special talent for it, why not go professional? Of course, any business start-up needs clear strategic thinking, and to make your new venture a success will take a lot more than a flair for room decorations and great conversational…

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6 Tips for Real-Time Digital Marketing During Special Events

Covid-19 has temporarily changed the way businesses hold special events. But even with online functions, managing and running a special event is a multi-faceted job with lots of moving parts and components. Most special events have a dedicated event management team consisting of professionals to manage these aspects. One particular point of running a successful…

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Book Year Round Business!

There is absolutely no reason why you cannot book a year-round business… solid every month! Book Year Round Business! Not any one particular month should have more cancellations than another, except maybe during the blizzard of 2009!! Really though, your attitude is what plays the biggest role in your ability to date a specific month…

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