Posts Tagged ‘Emotion’
Which Emotion Should You Cater to When Presenting a Brand?
People laugh, cry, and frown. They get surprised, are spurred to anger, and feel fear. People love and hate and every point in between. It’s all part of living, of being human—much more when these emotions are instigated by external forces and circumstances that draw them out. Along with that comes familiarity, empathy, and sympathy.…
Read MoreThe Mini-Guide to Effective Leadership in the Workplace
In the world of business, effective leaders are critical for harnessing the power of those around them. There are so many pitfalls that leaders need to avoid—trying to be an effective leader can be a daunting task. Critical employees can chip away at self-confidence, while margins for error can be nonexistent. Huge corporations require leadership…
Read MoreWhy Passion and Emotion Are Key Drivers of Sustainable Change
People are emotional beings. While many of us believe we make decisions based on logic, our emotions have a significant influence on our decision making process. Creating an emotional connection with your team is vital to getting them to buy into organizational change. Once leaders establish a clear purpose for change (Part 1 of the 3P…
Read MoreHow to Make Emotional Targeting Work for B2B
Many B2B marketers believe they should use a logic-based, black and white detached approach in their marketing campaigns, but a recent study shows that tapping into buyers’ emotions increases conversion rates. In fact, crafting a connection with prospective buyers using an emotion-focused strategy has been found to have up to twice the impact of marketing campaigns that center…
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