What Do I Do About Succession Planning?

No one can be certain what tomorrow will bring, so it is critical that every entrepreneur or manager has a successor in place. This is typically a two-step process: First, you have to find the right individual; then you have to provide training to ensure the person is prepared to handle the demands of the role.
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Everything Begins with Principles

Instead of talking about principles, we spend a lot of time talking about rules: “Do this, do it this way, don’t do that.” When our rules don’t cover everything, we’re lost. We don’t know what to do. Generally, the reaction is to create more rules.
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Win Friends. Influence People. Achieve What You Want.

You have heard that to succeed, you just need to work hard, study hard, learn a lot. But there’s more to it than just that. One very important element is to surround yourself with people you admire. It takes people skills to surround yourself with people you admire but these are skills which can be learned.
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Acculturation and Brand Values

When I discuss branding with companies, one key element in our discussions are the company brand values. It is commonly understood and agreed that without them the company would cease to exist. They are the foundation of the company.
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10 Top Impediments to Creative Business Thinking

Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who think the most creatively, not only in their initial product or service, but more importantly all through the stages of growth from startup to maturity. But even the best of them can easily slip into some bad decision habits that limit or hurt their business, due to natural human tendencies and the pressures of business challenges.
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10 Characteristics of Transformational Leaders

There are certain core characteristics the majority of leaders possess. However, there are also an additional set of characteristics that define transformational leaders—leaders that have the ability to make an impact on organizational growth.
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6 Ways Entrepreneurs Become Great Problem Solvers

The real entrepreneurs I know are good at overcoming both people problems and business obstacles, and get satisfaction from the challenge. Some people think this is a talent that you must be born with, but experts disagree. You can definitely train yourself to be a problem solver, if you haven’t already.
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