Another Look at Your Customers

In my previous blog I discussed the tyranny of the urgent and why is such a limiting perspective in understanding customers. I closed the blog by pointing out that the focus should always be on all your customers not just the ones who have urgent concerns. In this blog I will point out several techniques…

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Who Are You Listening To?

The “tyranny of the urgent” is a phrase that is commonly used when working in a service environment. The phrase reminds people that “urgent” requests often take priority over “important” requests. Service managers often find themselves in the role of “firefighting”—putting out “the fires” of customer complaints. Before the manager realizes it, the firefighting consumes…

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7 Social Listening Hacks to Boost Customer Loyalty

The importance of customer loyalty is unquestionable. Making every customer a satisfied, regular customer is an ultimate goal for business owners. However, fostering true customer retention is as far from easy work. You need to be smart, patient and use all those tools out there like a pro. In this digital age of ours, social media…

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Make Sure Every Detail of Customer Service is Evaluated

“Look through your customer’s eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem?” ~Marlene Blaszczyk My significant other, Ellie, just had knee replacement surgery. The procedure went incredibly well, but we needed to have a walker for her when she returned home from the hospital to ensure she did not fall. It just…

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4 Ways Finding and Retaining Customers Starts with Management

The goal of management in any business is finding ways to create customers. This means sound policies for developing relationships not just with existing customers, but with as many potential customers as possible. Here are four ways that management can promote customer acquisition and retention. 1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Many companies tend to focus…

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Why Customer Service Scripting IS Necessary

There has always been a debate on whether customer service scripting will make customer service representatives sound too mechanical and less spontaneous. A recent interaction with a credit card representative highlights exactly why scripting at least as a guide is necessary. My daughter was about to travel out of state and had lost her debit…

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6 Ways to Think Outside the Box for Customer Service

Small business owners have to be mindful of their customers. If they provide poor customer service, they will lose valuable business. If they neglect them, they will lose customers. If the customers are satisfied but are not acknowledged, owners will never know how they could improve their service. Thus, business owners must constantly find new…

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Become a Consumer Customer Service Expert

​Customer service failures have captured the headlines in 2017. As such, companies are becoming ever more aware of how their brand reputation is linked to individual customer service encounters! As a consumer, how can you take advantage of this customer focus? Here are 5 ways to become a customer service expert consumer: Know your rights.…

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The Importance of Instant Gratification in Customer Service

We live in a world where we expect almost instant gratification in most things. Whether it’s social media feedback, sandwich delivery, or an Amazon Prime order, faster is better, and instant is best. Much of this stems from our constant availability and connection through technology. A boss can reach an employee at almost any time.…

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