6 Personalization Strategies to Supercharge Your Marketing

“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie That truth is a cornerstone of Dale Carnegie’s timeless advice in his perennially bestselling book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is just as true – and important – today as when Carnegie…

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7 Guidelines to Assure 2-Way Customer Communication

Entrepreneurs and business executives seem to be even more focused on their technology than the rest of us, and less inclined to listen to the voice of the customer, even if they remember to ask. Real two-way conversations with real customers, including the all-important body language, are unheard-of these days. Being connected to the Internet…

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How to Save a Relationship with a Customer When Things Go South

Sometimes, being an entrepreneur isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When I left my 9-5 job, it was to pursue the ultimate freedom of self-management. I became the boss, and that meant the power was all mine, right? Not exactly. As we all figured out —particularly those of us in the service industry and…

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The Faces of Our Customers

Recently, I’ve been trying something new when I meet with clients. I ask, “When was the last time you visited your customers–in a non sales situation? When did you actually see what they do, how they use your solutions? What have you done to get to know them better? Unfortunately, the responses aren’t surprising. Many…

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Save Your Sanity and Fire That Problematic Client

When entrepreneurs launch new businesses, they go to extraordinary lengths to earn clients. We’ll take any meeting, make dozens of cold calls and send out hundreds of emails. Slowly, our hustle is rewarded as our client list begins to grow. But despite our best efforts, we quickly learn that not all clients are created equal.…

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Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Home Services Mobile Franchise

With today’s busy lifestyle of having to balance work, children and the home, mobile home service providers offer consumers a way to more easily manage their day-to-day responsibilities providing them with increased flexibility and less chaos.  Mobile franchisees have built businesses that offer consumers a variety of home services including lawn and landscaping maintenance, mosquito…

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How Does Your Customer Make Money?

Recently, I was in a discussion with a group of sales people. I posed the question, “How does your customer make money?” Most of them responded with what their customers did, for example: “They’re a SaaS company, they manufacture products for this market, they are a services provider……” They knew some basics about the customers,…

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4 Legitimate Reasons to Fire a Toxic Client

Business ventures are a give-and-take experience. Having a healthy relationship with your clients is necessary for your business to succeed. There’s the key word: “healthy.” Both you and your client have to establish a healthy relationship on both sides. Obviously you and your client have separate goals, but the end result you want is to…

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