Crafting A Comprehensive TPRM Incident Response Plan For Your Business

a group of employees reviewing their response plan

In today’s hyper connected business environment, companies are increasingly relying on third parties like vendors, contractors, and partners for critical business functions. While these relationships can provide enormous value, they also introduce significant cybersecurity risks if not managed properly. By the end of this year, the cost of cyber attacks on the global economy is…

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How to Prepare for Personal & Professional Crisis

We all put a lot of time and energy into preventing disasters. We install smoke detectors, wear seat belts, and exercise regularly; we insure our homes, vehicles, businesses, lives, and health. Despite our best efforts, though, we still carry some exposure that could come crashing down someday. The only way we can position ourselves for…

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What Defines Leadership In a Crisis?

The past weeks and month have been, interesting. (If ever there was an understatement). In times of crises, we all look for leadership. We seek understanding, caring, answers, support, direction. As usual, in times of crises, it’s amazing and truly heartening to see how leaders and leadership emerge. So often, it’s from the most unexpected…

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) — Key Resources for Small Business Owners

US Small Business Resources COVID-19 information The main US COVID-19 website outlines the American Government’s response to the coronavirus. Currently, the primary source of business information is US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has a guide to the outbreak. Key sections include: CDC COVID-19 Guide Resources for Businesses and Employers Business Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist…

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