Finding Your Confidence Starts With a Reality Check

We might like to believe otherwise, but the reality is that things don’t always go smoothly. Whether you’re just starting out, or have been in business for decades, no matter how successful you are or what you do, there are surprises waiting around the corner, obstacles for you to overcome, and problems to solve. So…

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3 Essentials to Build Customer Confidence

Did you know that over 90% of consumers will now check reviews before buying a product or choosing a business? For business owners, it has never been more crucial to build customer confidence and promote a trustworthy image. If you’re hoping to attract rave reviews, boost retention rates and bring in new clients, here are…

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Are You Selling From a Position of Confidence?

Given everything we’re all carrying on our shoulders right now, how in the world do we muster up the confidence to sell? Marketing and sales are all about confidence. When you believe in what you’re selling, know it is the right answer for the prospect, and can see the benefits the prospect could enjoy –…

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Doing the Impossible Starts with Rose-Colored Glasses 

“Most professionals aren’t as good as they think they are. And that may be the secret to their success. I’ve come to believe that their belief in themselves is why they’re successful pros—and why I’m prematurely retired.” These are the words of a golfer who was once lauded as the best junior player in the…

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8 Steps to Build Winning Self-Confidence in Business

In my years of mentoring entrepreneurs, a problem I have seen too often is low self-esteem, and over-compensating through arrogance and ego. These entrepreneurs find it hard to respect customers or team members, and their ventures usually fail. As a team member, low self-esteem leads to low confidence, poor productivity, and no job satisfaction. Fortunately,…

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