5 Ways to Know if Your Small Business Has Franchise Potential

It’s important as a small business owner to evaluate different options to expand your business in the future. One choice that can be very attractive is franchising. It could allow your business to grow quicker than it might otherwise, without the kind of capital investment required if you do it alone. Taking your small business…

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9 Transaction Models Shape Your Customer Experience

Focus is everything in a business, whether it be a new startup or a large enterprise. In my role as a business advisor, I often see well-meaning entrepreneurs try to be everything to everyone, which results in many things done poorly, and few totally delighted customers. People are confused by multiple messages, and employees are…

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13 Profitable Models to Start a Food Ordering Business

Entrepreneurs have pushed the boundaries of online food business ideas, which have resulted in many food startups. It’s the perfect time for aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their startup dreams into reality by starting their own online food ordering and delivery business. However, the most difficult step is knowing which business model to implement. To help…

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Validating the Business Model

When your business reaches a certain size, it’s only natural to explore options for extensive growth and scale. With PLAYLive, we chose the franchising model. The ability to scale without fronting the capital for each unit and the ease of spreading to different regions combined with the other benefits of franchising made it the best…

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6 Ways Startups are Fooled by Prior Business Models

As an entrepreneur mentor and startup investor, I see with sadness the 50 to 90 percent that fail. If you ask them for a reason, most will insist that they couldn’t get funding, or they ran out of money too early. But I’m not convinced that it’s as simple as that. Many are just not…

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A Better Business Model: Audience First, Product Second

It’s not really news to say that most businesses fail. If you are like most entrepreneurs, the first startup is surely a failure. According to OnStartups.com, first-time entrepreneurs have just an 18% success rate. Not even a two in 10 chance? Want better news? Henry Blodget, co-founder of Business Insider, places the success rate of…

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