4 Helpful Numbers Every Entrepreneur Needs on Speed-Dial

As a business owner, you’ll need to build strong relationships with other professionals who provide essential services and help you run your business. When launching your business, as well as in the first few years of running your business, you’ll run into problems and dilemmas that will require immediate assistance and advice from these professionals.
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How to Handle Franchise Accounts

The ability to understand franchise accounts is arguably the most important skill that a franchisee can possess. While some franchisors will offer to take over this responsibility, franchisees need to have a comprehensive knowledge of franchise accounting practices for their own protection and control.
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Year End Planning: Payroll

Doing your last payroll for the year is an important time to make sure you have a tax plan in place. That payroll is often the last cash transaction for the year; your last chance for tax deductions.
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Business vs. Hobby

Many taxpayers engage in activities they enjoy and do it for a business purpose. Whether the IRS considers it as a business or hobby has important income tax implications.
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