10 Great Startup Business Ideas for Computer Experts
By: Justas Markus

Having a great understanding of technology, computers in particular, opens doors to a lot of business opportunities. If you have been using computers for years, you should have quite a lot of knowledge to start something yourself. However, those who have never really considered it before might have no idea where to start. That is the reason why this list exists. It has more than enough ideas for those who are looking to gain financial independence or start working for themselves.
1. Print on Demand
You will need a website, especially if you are planning to drop ship it. Things might seem a bit difficult at first, but if you are careful with your approach, there should not be too many issues. According to Printify.com, it would be worth your while to get the Print on Demand Drop Shipping Platform – Shopify Print On Demand App. This means that your platform will be Shopify, and it is definitely the best at the moment.
2. Web Designing
One of the obvious choices. You will need to get a decent portfolio if you expect to have consistent work, especially if you are freelancing. These days, however, social media and websites like LinkedIn give more than enough exposure. And what about all those freelancer groups on Facebook?
Websites will continue to be a big demand in the future because everybody wants one, but not everyone is not capable of making one. If you have the skills, you can be certain about your future.
3. Dropshipping
Big profits, almost no investments, and not that much work after the initial set up. Drop shipping has certainly become one of the most popular methods among internet entrepreneurs. Mostly because of how much money it generates, and that it does not necessarily require tech-savviness.
There are a lot of sources about it on the internet, which includes articles like AliDropship Review: Best Dropshipping on WordPress? (May 2019) by ProfitIndustry. Finally, if you do not have any idea what product you should sell, the internet is yet again full of ideas.
4. IT Consultant
There are plenty of problems that occur with a computer and it should be obvious that certain situations require professional help. Whenever you are unable to identify the problem yourself and even the all-mighty Google is incapable of giving you an answer, you will have to call for help.
As a consultant, you will need to be proactive. Finding clients will not be possible if you do not have a website and at least one or two profiles on social media. Sure, it does depend on where you live because while a method works in one country, it might not be as useful in another. The best bet would be depending on word of mouth and gaining enough reputation that people will come for you. Though in reality, these cases are pretty rare.
5. Tech Blogging
Even those who are not that knowledgeable about computers like to learn new things. And with the time spent on the internet, it is only natural that reading about it online is what more and more individuals are doing. Writing a blog even about the most niche subjects can bring you readers as long as your articles are interesting and reflect that you have actual experience in the field.
The monetizing part comes later, though, as you will need to establish your audience first. However, once you have plenty of visitors, you can take advantage of that through ads, affiliate partnerships, perhaps even crowdfunding. As always, it all comes down to your hard work and creativity.
6. Tech Support / Live Support
It might work best if you are looking to have a side gig, but certain companies might pay a lot to those who work as live support. Some issues can be solved via phone call or a chat online. There is no need to go directly to the client’s house. It can get a bit annoying when someone is completely inept, but anything is possible with a little bit of patience.
7. Software Developing
This one requires a lot of experience but it is understandable why software engineers are one of the best-paid professions at the moment. You would think that the IT sector is oversaturated, but the reality is quite different when it comes to true pros. It takes years to learn, and a degree is usually mandatory for such positions, but if you can really get down to working hard and reaching the goal, the fruits of your labor will be the sweetest there is.
8. System Analyst / Database Manager
These two are put together because fundamentally, the positions are not that different. Your job will be ensuring that everything is fine, mostly through data maintenance and looking for bugs, as well as cooperating with other departments. Again, it is one of those things that require experience and specific knowledge, but the pay is as good as it gets.
9. SEO Consultant
Search engine optimization is crucial for any business that wants to profit from its presence on the internet. You do not need to have a background in development to learn SEO, but it certainly helps. As there are a lot of specifics that go into ensuring optimization, a better understanding of it will increase your odds of landing a job. Freelancing is another great option, given how many websites are out there with people looking to get their sites optimized.
10. PC Building
Wanting a decent PC and ending up with one are two different things. Building something like that without any prior experience will not work out, so a helping hand in such matters is always appreciated. An ultimate PC will be in the hands of those who hire a professional to do their job. And that is where someone with a vast knowledge of computers comes in.
So that about sums it up. As you can probably expect, the list here is not the be-all-end-all as there are plenty of other opportunities. Also, the technology world continues to develop and those who have accumulated enough experience can definitely expect to see even more positions opening up.