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Top 5 In-Demand International Business Careers

By: Andrew Deen


Woman using calculator to calculate the invoice, planning expenses while working on desktop from home office during quarantine due to coronavirus, cat sleeps nearby on the table. Business from home

Though the list of business-related cons relative to the COVID pandemic certainly outweighs the list of pros, the advances in technologies that make remote work more efficient are aplenty. Ultimately, these advances are making the world (metaphorically) a smaller place.

With a remote work universe that is literally boundless, the demands for international business are expected to grow at a very steady clip when the pandemic does come to an end. The aforementioned technologies related to remote work are already helping advance discussions in international business from smaller companies who may have previously viewed their reach as much smaller.

There are many different paths to take if you’re pursuing an international business career, and though this list is far from exhaustive, it is full of jobs that are expected to be in demand for quite some time.

Human Resources Manager/Consultant

Human resources are always a top priority for any business, and with the idiosyncrasies that come with international business, finding the right people is even more important. Recruiting and hiring employees is an artform as much as a job, and those who understand a businesses needs are valuable assets to any team, and HR managers tend to get paid quite well for their expertise.

In addition to hiring, HR managers work to streamline communication between international business colleagues as well as promoting workplace diversity and inclusion.

Global Economist

International economists analyze issues relative to finance and spending on a global scale, including things like consumer demand and trends abroad that may affect stateside business. The breadth of employment options for global economists is quite wide, and they can work for international organizations like the UN or the World Bank, but are also in demand for research institutions aiming at helping solve global economic issues.

Governments, too, always have a need for economists, and with an international business focus, you can move up from local and state government jobs to national ones.

Management Consultant

Global management analysts must be able to understand the needs of a company quickly, and analyze other factors to create the most economic means of tending to those needs. Efficacy equals money, and those who hone their skills regarding streamlining management and workflow are in high demand, and are expected to be even more so as the remote work trend continues.

They need to marry the skills of HR management and financial analysis in order to determine who and what resources are the most valuable to the team. The flip side of that coin is also determining which resources are not valuable, so you need to have thick skin in this profession.

Marketing Managers

Another job gaining lots of security thanks to a shrinking globe, is that of an international marketing manager. Differing laws, customs, religion, cultures, and more are aplenty within the United States, but on the global level they are exponentially more difficult to navigate. Marketing managers on the global scale need to be great at marketing, but also need to possess a worldly view and understand that the way things are done stateside may not be the best way to do things abroad.

Mass appeal changes as the masses grow, and a career in global marketing would best suit forward-thinking individuals with a flare for creativity.

Customs Compliance

This high-demand job is popular for many reasons, the least of which not being the fact that it pays very well. Both in the private sector, and in government, customs compliance agents must remain knowledgeable on international laws, and doing so is easier said than done, as administrations around the globe change quite frequently.

Some of the biggest bucks in customs compliance are made by independent contractors who have backgrounds as financial managers or financial analysts, which are also high-demand jobs in the international business arena.

Published: December 18, 2020

Andrew Deen

Andrew Deen has been a consultant for startups in almost every industry from retail to medical devices and everything in between. He implements lean methodology and is currently writing a book about scaling up business. Twitter @AndrewDeen14.

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