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5 Tasks to Outsource

By: ScheduleBase


Are you like many business owners who struggle to hand over control of a task by outsourcing it? You’re not alone. Yet outsourcing tasks to others can have a powerful impact on your company’s bottom line. You’ll have more time to focus on the areas you do best. You’ll become more involved in the growth of your company. And, you’ll play an integral role in boosting your company profits.

Still, it’s not easy to know where to outsource and where to keep things in-house. Here are five tasks that will help you determine what makes sense to hand over to others.
1. Accounting
Accounting is vital to your business. Without it, how can you make payroll, keep your company in the black, and pay your taxes?
But accounting is also tedious. It requires diligence to get every journal entry exact and keep your books up to date.
Outsourcing your bookkeeping to a skilled accountant is essential. This person will monitor your entries and track your finances. She will also help you focus on what you do best—running your business.
2. Design
You run a professional company. Shouldn’t your marketing materials reflect that same professionalism?
Unless you’re a designer by trade, DIY design won’t let you put your best foot forward. Outsourcing your design to someone who understands marketing, code, and colors will.
3. Scheduling
Scheduling is one of the most time consuming tasks. You have to navigate requests for time off, determine work preferences, and make sure your business is always fully staffed. It’s a stressful experience but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Outsourcing your business’s scheduling might seem scary on the surface. What if you end up without enough people on a given day? What if you have the wrong people working together on a shift?
One way to effectively outsource your schedules and keep a pulse on what’s happening is to use an app like ScheduleBase. This app allows you to check in on your schedule from anywhere and make adjustments on the fly.
4. Writing
Content sells. Teaching sells. But when will you find the time to sit down and put together a blog post, e-book, or whitepaper that does justice for your message?
Writing is time consuming. Because of the effort it takes, it’s easy for owners to put off writing valuable content on a regular basis. Over time, your message gets lost and your sales drop.
By outsourcing your writing to a professional, you can stay top of mind with your audience and grow your business faster.
5. Community Management
These days, if you’re not on social media, you’re not part of the conversation. Like it or not, people out there are talking about your business. It’s understandable that you want to make your voice heard and respond to people who are talking about your brand. To do that effectively you have to be on all platforms, all the time.
Community management can quickly suck you in and drain you of your time.
Outsourcing your work to someone who can respond to reviews, concerns, and requests will keep your business active in the conversation. In turn, you will free up your plate to become more productive in your business.
Delegating work to others is one of the best ways to keep your business focused and on task. Get out of the daily grind and start moving your company forward. By outsourcing these essential jobs, it’s easy to focus on growing your business.
This article was originally published by Schedule Base
Published: March 10, 2015

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ScheduleBase is online employee scheduling software from Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of business software solutions for over 20 years. ScheduleBase is used by all types of small businesses to schedule and communicate with full-time and part-time employees.

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