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How to Identify Amazing Talent for Your Small Business

By: SmallBizClub


How to Identify Amazing Talent

One of the most difficult things to find for a company is a good employee. And this is even more difficult and important for a small business, where one core employee who is not doing his or her job can bring the whole business down.

What Kind of Talent to Look For

A small, talented team can bring in great results, but if your new guy doesn’t feel at home among your senior employees, all that potential you saw during the hiring phases will be lost. You need to take a look at who you currently have working for you and start there. See what skills your team is lacking and build the job description around that.

Having a diverse team is an important factor to consider. It will show its worth especially when you bring everyone into the meeting room to discuss the next strategy, and they all chip in with different pieces of advice and ideas. Your employees will make you aware of aspects of your strategy you would have never thought of and help navigate your business through the rough waters of today’s market.

Younger people will be better at socializing and networking over the internet, which can bring in important clients and help you connect with more of your customers, but nothing can replace a seasoned salesman or manager and the experience he or she brings.

Where to Look for Talent

The classical approach is to set up a job description and post it on a job seeking website. And wait until someone gives you a call. Most often, you will end up with a stack of resumes on your desk, waste weeks of interviewing, to end up with a semi-qualified employee who still needs training before he can start producing. Not the best scenario.

Instead of letting people come to you, why not go to them? Go and set up a stand at a local job fair. These events are attended, if not straight-out organized, by larger and more sought after companies, and attract a lot of candidates. Have quick conversations with candidates and form an opinion about them. Have one of your current employees participate so you can have a second opinion. Then invite the best for a more detailed interview at your office.

Using the same example as before, if you’re running an e-commerce business, why not take advantage of that and post an announcement on your website directly. Set it up with a small test for the abilities you are seeking so you don’t get spammed with applications. Or, have your own employees bring in the new member of your team. Offer an incentive for whoever recommends someone good, as long as they stay with the company for a certain period of time. Your team will know what to look for and it will be in their best interest to recommend someone good, who can lighten their workload.

Organize a Seminar and Attract Candidates

Something not too many business owners think to do is organize an event for like-minded professionals. Invite your competitors, but some more well-known figures as well, and promote the event as much as possible. More people, more chances that your new employee is among them

It can be less expensive than you think, as renting a conference room and bringing in some refreshments doesn’t cost that much, compared to the benefits you will reap. A seminar will not only attract potential employees, there to learn from the pros, it will also make you more visible as a business, bringing in more clients.

Marc MendelmanAuthor: Marc Mendelman is a Junior HR consultant, who’s passionate about identifying daily work hacks and creating ways of increasing personal and professional productivity. He loves identifying the core strengths of each individual to help them reach their true professional fulfillment. You can contact Marc at marc.mendelman@gmail.com or @MarcMendelman.

Published: August 5, 2016

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