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How to Get More Qualified People to Submit Their Resumes

By: SmallBizClub



The Internet and digital technology have made life and work easier for most professionals except recruiters. It certainly made the application process more convenient for job seekers and there lies the problem. With so many companies using Internet-based solutions to find talent, recruiters are constantly competing for more people to apply for a job and get them to submit their resumes.

And that is just half the problem.

It’s not just acquiring candidates but the bigger concern is attracting top talent in the industry. Getting your job post noticed is one thing. Attracting the best people is an entirely different matter.

Thus can 2 distinct objectives be fulfilled in a job post? Is it possible to post a job opening that will get more people to apply, including the ones who are most qualified to fit the bill?

Preparing a job post is in ways similar to a job applicant who is crafting a resume to get his or her credentials noticed. It is a matter of selling your proposition to the mass market of job seekers.

Here are 7 ways you can get more people to apply for a job and submit their resumes:

1. Use Keywords

Keywords are valuable tools that help your content get found online. So why not use them on your job post? Job seekers use specific keywords to search for opportunities that fit their skills and competencies.

For example, if you are looking for a Web Designer, you should include the keywords “web designer” in the title and job description. If you want to be more specific, you can add related keywords such as “experienced” or “coding skills” in the post.

2. Craft an Interesting Job Post

People look for jobs for different reasons. Some may not be in it for the money or the prestige. There are those with unique motivations in joining a company.

A good example would be candidates who value work culture. They want to build a career in an organization that they perceive cultivates values that are aligned with theirs.

Work culture is becoming a significant factor in drawing in the best candidates. You can see many company websites that give potential applicants a peek on what it is like to work for them.

So why not promote your work culture? Establishing right-fit connections are a proven way of finding the best and most qualified applicants for your company. Right-fit people are the best people to grow your business with.

3. Get Creative

Job posts are standard issue in the recruitment process. It is more challenging to have your post stand out amidst a sea of other job advertisements.

But who said written job posts are the only way to go? If you want your job advertisement to stand out, why not get creative and consider the use of video?

Videos are a proven way to attract the attention of your target audience. A well-conceptualized and well- produced video can rely content more effectively than text. It can be a wonderful medium for triggering emotional cues that can influence job seekers to patronize your post over others.

4. Be Specific about the Qualifications

You get all kinds in the Internet. If you are not specific about the qualifications, you may find your Inbox filled to the rafters with one-line job applications.

As a recruiter, time is valuable for you. Having to spend time sifting through hundreds of resume will test your resolve and patience. It may also deny you the opportunity of finding the best talent who could not wait for you to get back to him or her.

While you were going through your Inbox, the most talented applicant may already be undergoing an interview with a competitor.

If you are looking for a Financial Analyst, state in your job post if the position requires a CPA or not. Indicate more details on qualifications such as tenure, preferred industries, location and current availability.

5. Clearly Outline the Job Requirements

It will also save you time and resources if you clearly outline the job requirements and specific demands.

It may not be enough to simply indicate that you need a “Customer Service Representative” for your company. The job may entail specific requirements such as:

  • Bilingual; ability to read, write and converse in fluent Chinese.
  • Proficient in Zen Desk and other customer service platforms.
  • Available for graveyard shifting.
  • Ability to manage inbound calls.
  • Experience in technical support for PC’s.

Having clear and complete details will go a long way in helping you attract the right people for your job opening.

6. Be Firm and Decisive in Tone and Content

It is very important to establish your level of firmness and decisiveness in the post in order to let potential job applicants know you take the process seriously and will hire only those who best fit the position.

An example of a firm and decisive tone would be as follows:

“Please take the time to read and review the instructions carefully. We have clearly outlined all the requirements for the job opening and we will only consider those applications that strictly comply. The applicant who is selected for the job will be expected to move swiftly and commence work as stated in the description.”

You would not want to waste time on candidates who are unsure or lackadaisical in their approach.

7. Initiate the Qualifying Process Right Away

You can use the recruitment process to vet candidates right away.

In our previous examples, if you are looking for a web designer you can ask all interested candidates to indicate in their application their 3 most important qualities for effective website design.

For customer service representatives, you can require candidates to write a short, 100 word narrative on their worst customer service experience and how they were able to resolve it.

A word on indicating salary and compensation. These are best disclosed once candidates have been qualified and have expressed serious interest in the job opening.

Disclosing salary and compensation may commoditize the job and undermine its value or importance to some applicants. It may put them off because they may not like the idea of quantifying their skills with currency.

Getting more people to apply for a job could be a challenging task but it is not impossible. With a bit more thought, strategy and purpose you could find yourself perusing through the resumes of several highly qualified people.

Now that is a problem most recruiters would like to have!

felixAuthor: Felix Tarcomnicu is the CEO & Co-Founder of ResumeOK, a site that provides hundreds of resume templates and career tips.

Published: January 11, 2017

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