6 Tips for Being Fascinated, Not Frustrated in 2017
By: Ruby

2017 is your year—not just for health and productivity, but also for happiness and growth! We’ve got a few resolution ideas to ensure you keep a positive perspective as challenges arise throughout the year.
1. Stay curious.
When faced with a difficult situation and a frustrated customer, it will serve you best to stay curious about the situation rather than defensive. Ask questions to get to the bottom of what really happened and focus on resolving the issue so that you can create a stellar service experience for the customer you’re helping.
2. Remember your customer is human too.
As we all know, human beings are fallible and emotional. When assisting a customer over the phone, it can be easy to forget that they are human just like you. They face daily stresses, possess great qualities along with their faults, and are doing their best to express themselves in a frustrating moment.
3. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.
Empathy is key in keeping your own frustration with a customer at bay. Imagine what your customer’s life may be like and what they haven’t told you. Could they be in the midst of a disagreement with someone they love? Could they be having trouble at work? There are many factors impacting a customer’s mood and perhaps their complaint was the last straw on a rough day. Certainly, you’ve had rough days before, and know that it can be difficult to fire on all cylinders during times like that!
4. Walk away if you can.
If the situation you’re handling can wait a bit, take some space from it and recharge. Did you let a frustrated customer know you would follow up when you have more information about something? Great! Take a 10-minute walk to cool off, re-group, and then jump back in with a refreshed mind.
5. Keep it professional.
If a customer has negative feelings or says something awful in the heat of the moment, it’s tempting to become defensive and protective of yourself. Remembering that the customer is simply upset and that you aren’t the true object of their frustration can help you separate yourself from the situation in a healthy way. You’ll be able to maintain a clear head and likely solve their issue much sooner!
6. Believe what you do matters.
As someone aiming to provide a magical customer service experience, your actions can deeply impact others. If faced with a frustrated customer, focus on turning their day around. If you succeed, you’ve made someone’s day better, and in turn, they may pay that positivity forward to someone else they encounter later on.
Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Customer service is a marathon, not a sprint, and you never know what you’ll discover on the journey. Resolving to stay curious and make the best of it will help you and your customers avoid frustration in 2017!
Author: Customer Happiness Internal Content Manager Stephanie Christ moved to Portland from Queens, New York, where she was born and raised. As she put it, she loves to focus on the positive — even when it isn’t apparent that there is a positive. She began her time at Ruby as a virtual receptionist, and her upbeat attitude and penchant for innovative thinking quickly landed her a home in our Customer Happiness Department!