Yes, You Can Easily Incorporate Psychology and Neuroscience to Grow Your Business
By: Philip Piletic
The focus of increasing sales and profit has included a combination of centuries-old advice and customer psychology. There’s nothing wrong with maintaining a positive image and making customers feel valued. However, it takes a deeper level of understanding of how to interact with customers on a mental level. Here are some concepts that all businesses should incorporate into their advertising campaigns.
Shift Toward Neuroscience
Consumer economics and corporations have been battling for a long time. This field covers the psychology of the consumer’s mind while also taking accounting and economics into account. This field has shifted its focus on consumer neuroscience and associated fields that tap into data that most businesses have neglected.
Learning about neuroscience can help businesses owners determine the unique sensory touches that can attract or repel certain types of people from their products and services. The look, touch, and smell of a product can be an important factor in winning a customer over depending on how trustworthy the organization appears from the outside.
If a customer realizes that an online retailer isn’t trustworthy, they’re far less likely to purchase a product from them, according to a study published in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Those who are interested in a brick-or-mortar business are more likely to judge their goods. Noticing the way a mall’s atmosphere affects moods and opinions can be difficult to measure in most economic models.
Power of the Consumer’s Brain
Including the use of psychological methods to boost customer confidence and increase sales may seem like scammy tactics. In all actuality, it’s about studying consumer’s minds and how to guide them towards making a positive decision without leading them into corporate dishonesty.
Some customers are surprised to find that their minds are still involved in the problem-solving process even when they feel their minds aren’t actively thinking about a problem. This type of subconscious decision making helps their minds work towards a specific goal. It also reduces distractions like a crowded and busy store. Displaying this information that supports products and services can still be detected by some individuals.
The mind is usually flooded with a stream of concerns and questions about whether something is wise to purchase. By including details in the product descriptions or website that can help address these concerns before they arise, the positive thoughts towards purchasing a product can help ease some of these concerns. For example, setting tier and special prices on a website can help them make a buying decision that fits their needs as well as their budget.
It’s important to know what to communicate to a customer and notice which mistakes are commonly made by businesses, even those with the best intentions. Information overload isn’t necessarily a good thing. Some businesses cut down specific issues that lead a customer to believe there’s an issue that’s someone’s trying to hide. Knowing which information to omit is an important skill to learn.
Insights into Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Listening to one’s inner voice has become a phenomenon that has an entire branch of psychology to it back in the 1970s. This branch of psychology is otherwise known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short. What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming and how does it relate to consumers and businesses? It addresses how people’s thoughts and inner voices can shape their future experiences or negatively impact their lives.
That’s why owning up to mistakes is a business approach that leads to success rather than failure. Admitting one’s failures is an art that can lead to a net positive for companies. When businesses avoid criticism, they’re more likely to see a negative backlash. On the other end, businesses that admit to their faults make the effort to improve.
This approach satisfies the inner voice that raises concerns, criticism, and questions no matter the situation. Addressing concerns associated with the quality of products can entice customers who felt slighted in the past to re-assess the quality of a company’s products and services. It can become a powerful tool when used properly.
Combating Customer Inaction
This is the last and most difficult approach to take on. Mental blocks occur in both consumers and professionals. There are a wide variety of sources that make it difficult for them to adhere to a single course of action. Businesses that struggle to make a sale still find customers who are interested in their products and services.
Creating a positive sense of urgency can be one of the best ways to come to an agreement with an otherwise uncertain customer. A sense of urgency is often mistaken for a sense of emergency, including the concept of product shortages or time-limited offers which can create the opposite effect under those who can’t perform under pressure. Instead, businesses should give a gentle push to a quick decision.
One tried and true advertising technique is to show a product and address the problems that it can help solve or avoid. Presenting that problem and introducing the solution can lead to greater sales since it provides a motivating factor for purchasing that product. It also prevents the need to convince someone why they need the product in the first place.
Addressing one’s mistakes and using the inner voice that drives many people’s decision-making processes can be effective for any advertising campaign. Finding the best way that businesses can offer their products and services can take the steps to understand these psychological studies without losing focus.