One secret and irresistible quality of magnetic people is that they’re grateful. They are genuinely thankful, and it shows in their interactions with others. Even though we don’t usually think of gratefulness as a major personality trait, it actually goes a long way towards shaping who we are.
In fact, Dennis Prager, the researcher and talk radio host, conducted a study on happiness for his 1998 book, Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. What, he wondered, was the biggest determining factor in happiness? After numerous surveys, he found that the usual suspects—occupation, economic level, relationship status, geographic location, and ethnicity—didn’t really matter. Every one of these categories included people who were happy as well as those that were unhappy.
What mattered most? Gratitude. People who learn to be thankful are more content and fulfilled. The single greatest commonality of happy people is an attitude of gratitude. And people find that attractive.
Devote a few minutes each day to thinking about what you are thankful for in your life. Some experts recommend making a list of three to five things each morning. It only takes a moment, but many people find that it improves their day and helps them cultivate a habit of gratitude. Become conscious of blessings you take for granted. Does this mean we should not be critical or pessimistic about real injustice? Of course not! But consider the way magnetic traits most often motivate the greatest connection and the greatest good.
This article was originally published by David Horsager
Published: October 31, 2013