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DIY Leadership

By: Jania Bailey


DIY Leadership

As the owner of a business, there are tasks that only you can accomplish. You have to consistently make sure everything is running smoothly, however there are certain ways of delegating responsibility that will set you apart as a leader.

Before you write a to-do list that resembles a small book, realize there is no such thing as do-it-yourself leadership. Successful leaders not only strive to build a solid team, they inspire leadership in others. If you try and do everything yourself, not only could you miss important details, you are denying the opportunity for others to step up to the plate and creatively contribute. This trust in your team will not only give you a little break, it will also show your employees that you are willing to pass on important tasks and rely on others.

If you are struggling with ways to let go of some control, there are plenty of tips that can make this process smoother. You can start by outlining the main elements of an assignment for a team member instead of completed the task yourself. That way you are setting your employee up for success and clearing a project off of your plate. Give your team details on resources, deadlines, roadblocks and what you expect the end result to be. Clarity in feedback and support will make working together more comfortable for you and your team.

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A leader that spends time with their team will better understand each person’s strengths and weakness, which will lead to the better utilization of your teams skills. The better you can identify the gaps, how different members of your team work together and which tasks fit which people will provide you with perspective on the efficiency of your daily operations. Not only this, but you will earn respect and build relationships with your team.

Lastly, leaders shouldn’t single themselves out by being competitive with those that are following them. Be glad that you have motived, intelligent, creative people surrounding you in an effort to better the business.

“The research is quite clear about this: If you ask the question, “Why do some managers get ahead in an organization and some don’t?” It all has to do with the quality of the relationships with the people that they have in an organization.” -Barry Posner

Published: December 3, 2015

Source: FranNet

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Jania Bailey

Jania Bailey is president/COO of FranNet, North America’s most well-respected franchise consulting firm. Bailey sits on the board of directors for the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is a certified franchise expert. Her background includes over 25 years experience in the banking and franchise industries.  Bailey also authored the book, “Thriving – The Journey to Success in the Business World.” 

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