When you give a man a job, you are giving him the means to support himself and his family. But, when you give him training and education opportunities, you are also giving him hope that he can improve his life. This is how you make loyal, productive and improved employees for your company. Here are some investment opportunities regarding your employees that are worth looking into.
Courses in Time Management
Time management is not just a desirable skill for the workplace. It is also a highly valuable life skill that many people can benefit from. Employees who have good time management tend to get a lot more work done in far less time and they don’t feel overburdened. This means that they have it easier than the others. Time management courses can help employees identify the elements that prevent them from being well organized and productive. Also, it is possible to learn proper delegation of tasks in these courses.
Encouraging Good Personal Branding
A good company will encourage their employees to update their LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media profiles. Also, it will provide their employees with courses in personal branding. Once individual employees start gaining good online and offline reputation, the credibility of the company will definitely be on the rise. People will see the company as a team of highly reputable individuals and that will reflect positively on the company image and brand.
Training in Company Policies
Each company has its own policy. In order for the employees to reflect it, they need to know all about it. Therefore, it is the company’s task to encourage their workers to get educated in this regard. Employees need to have opportunities to learn all about the ways their company wants them to behave and reflect the values and standards of their business. This includes the company’s social media policies. Once they are trained, it will contribute to the uniformity and consistency of the company. This is very good for the company’s reputation.
Eventful Team Building Trainings
Satisfied workers are good workers. They think of a company as of their other home and they feel like a part of a team. If your team building activities are fun and entertaining, your workers will enjoy them, and they will get closer to their coworkers. This will work out well for your company in many ways: your team will be better connected and the employees will have a stronger feeling of loyalty. Moreover, employees who brag a bit about their company team building activities inspire new talents to apply for open positions.
Training in Financial Planning
This is another training that will benefit your employees on both the professional and the personal level. Financial planning will enable them to see the bigger picture and to integrate their everyday activities and short-term goals into the long term plans. A good financial planning course will give your employees the necessary knowledge to deal with the financial challenges in the company and at home. This will be a great knowledge upgrading opportunity for those that already have a background in accounting. However, if they do not, some high quality accounting courses are a place to start.
Besides all these investments that require money, you can also invest your personal time. This includes taking employees out on lunches, including them in decision making, talking to them and spending your time with them outside the office. This creates the spirit of workplace family and your employees feel more valued. In that way, they will definitely think twice before leaving the company.
Author: Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites and regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.