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A Great Start to Resolving Conflict

By: Bob Burg


A Great Start to Resolving Conflict

Recently, I posted on my Facebook page:

“Focusing on how the *other person* views the situation is a great start to resolving a difficult interaction.”

Yet, this can be difficult because—in order to do this—we must step out of our emotional mind and into our calm and rational mind.

Related Article: Conflict is Unavoidable

Not easy to do when caught up in conflict. However, those who can master their emotions and do this consistently are the most powerful and influential communicators.

Steps To Make This Happen

  1. Picture someone you know who embodies the above. It’s not a coincidence that they are very successful and highly respected.
  2. Picture yourself doing the same. Imagine how successful and highly (self)-respected you will be.
  3. Imagine future situations where you are in the midst of a very difficult interaction. The other person is becoming angry as they express their views.
  4. Imagine you—on the other hand—being very calm and in (self)-control. Now see yourself focusing on how they view the situation.
  5. Imagine yourself asking the right questions so that you fully understand, and then deciding how to proceed.
  6. See yourself handling the situation beautifully and bringing it to a win-win outcome.

Important Point: Focusing on the other person’s viewpoint is not the same thing as agreeing with them. It simply means that you are placing yourself in a better position of understanding.

I don’t think anyone phrased it any better than Dr. Stephen R. Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he wrote, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Master this and watch your influence soar. And that you won’t have to imagine!

Published: September 28, 2015

Source: Bob Burg

bob Burg

Bob Burg

Bob Burg shares information on topics vital to the success of today's business person. He speaks for Fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations. Bob’s audiences range from 50 to 16,000, and he shares the platform with today's top thought leaders, broadcast personalities, Olympic athletes and political leaders including a former United States President. He is the author of the widely-read Endless Referrals, and the WSJ best-selling business parable, The Go-Giver (coauthored with John David Mann). Bob’s newest book is Adversaries Into Allies, which draws on his own experiences and the stories of other influential people.

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