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10 Tips to Create More Powerful Employee Engagement, Part 1

By: Bill Hogg


Positive, engaged employees will stay with a company much longer than those who simply turn up and do the bare minimum because they’re unhappy, bored or the job isn’t challenging enough for them.

Studies reveal that engaged employees:
  • Have a 38% higher productivity rate.
  • Create 50% higher customer loyalty.
  • Deliver 27% higher profits and
  • Produce 50% higher sales.
So it makes good business sense to build more powerful employee engagement. Although it’s impossible to do everything your team wants, there are plenty of ways to get your team more engaged in their work so they become more positive and you’ll retain them longer.
In this 2-part article, we will examine some of the techniques managers can utilize to build engagement with their teams.
Lead by example
Staff models the behavior of their leaders. If you have a negative attitude, your team will soon see through it and copy it, even if it’s only subconsciously. If you want your team to remain actively engaged and care about their work, you need to be actively engaged and to be seen to be actively engaged in the work you do. It’s the old philosophy of “do what I do” as opposed to “do what I say.”
Delegate responsibility
Delegate additional responsibilities to deserving team members in addition to their normal role. This acknowledges the excellent work they have done and provides an opportunity for growth. It’s also a great way to determine if they can handle more responsibilities and demonstrates that you trust them enough to give them that extra work. If they handle the new responsibility well, in some cases, this may prepare them for promotions or transfers to other departments within the company.
Acknowledge staff performance
Employees need to be acknowledged and appreciated for the work they do. Regardless of how it’s done, recognition for a job well done goes a long way towards boosting morale and keeping your team engaged in their work. After all, people don’t leave their work—they leave their supervisor.
Recognition can be in different forms including: promotions, financial incentives, plaques or certificates or a simple pat on the back or a thank you. All of these forms say the same thing: well done!
Recognition doesn’t always have to be for the person who has “done the best.” It should also be for consistent effort or marked improvement in their work. There are people who consistently work hard but never seem to appear at the top. Recognizing their efforts is a positive way to inspire them and keep them just as engaged as the highest performers.
It’s important to be specific about the action that was noteworthy instead of just telling them they did a good job. Examples reinforce the desired behaviour and help others to learn and improve their own performance.
Solicit employee input
Employees appreciate being able to have their say on issues relating to work. It may be personal or specific work issues but being able to speak up is a fundamental need of every team member.
If they don’t feel management are willing to listen and even implement worthwhile ideas, they will lose interest and may believe they’re better off working somewhere else. This input can be offered face-to-face, via email or through the use of a suggestion box. The result is the same.
Keep your team informed
Employees deserve to know about changes in the workplace that may affect them. If you want their loyalty, you need to “keep them in the loop” and you’ll find they perform better and will be more engaged when there are no secrets. Trust and respect are also aspects of communication that enable you to retain those team members that really do add good value to your company.
What are some of the strategies you use to increase employee engagement?
This article was originally published by Bill Hogg
Published: August 22, 2013

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Bill Hogg

Bill works with senior leaders to stimulate change – that excelerates passion, productivity and profits! For over 30 years, Bill has been the go to guy when the world’s most recognized brands are faced with challenges that require change -- to improve bottom line results. Bill takes no prisoners, and his clients love him for it! For additional articles and information on how to transform your organization visit us online at www.billhogg.ca

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