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3 Steps to Mastering Effective Business Communication

By: Lynn Ruthe


business people communicating effectively

In our fast-paced world, effective business communication reigns supreme. Its benefits are undeniable, aligning teams and fostering innovation. However, too much communication can morph into distraction, causing stress and disarray. Is there a golden mean, and how can leaders achieve it?

Research from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute reveals that excess communication isn’t always better. The study, rooted in stochastic processes, applies to various networks, even employee dynamics. When communication lacks delays, more is merrier. Yet, when delays creep in, a point arrives where productivity nosedives, emphasizing the need to know when to “shut up.”

The findings suggest a communication reboot. Real-world communication is inherently delayed, limiting its benefits. Leaders must grasp these limits and act accordingly. But how?

Trimming Unnecessary Talk through Planning

Though not an assembly line, structured planning remains pivotal. Sequential task scheduling trumps multitasking. Why? Multitasking scatters employees, causing communication delays. Efficiency and innovation suffer.

Prioritizing Instantaneous Interaction

Email and document sharing are tools, not primary business communication avenues. Face-to-face chats or calls are quicker fixes. Remember, delayed communication corrodes connections. Use emails and documents as references, not live updates.

Beware of slow “social tools.” Internal networks suit one-to-many exchanges or reference materials. Encourage transient messages to be in-person or call-based.

Implementing Information Cut-Offs

Real-world constraints limit effective business communication. Additional communication isn’t the remedy. Instead, introduce information cut-offs. Ideas include a daily “no communication” period or silent work periods.

True communication power lies in understanding its limits. While building a communication-rich culture is vital, recognizing its tipping point is equally crucial. Effective leadership means knowing when to communicate and when to pause for productivity’s sake.

Published: August 28, 2023


Lynn Ruthe

Lynn Ruthe is an experienced writer who specializes in the marketing and communications field for non-profits and small businesses.

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