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Protect Your Employees’ Rights With These 8 Tips

By: Jeremy Bowler



Protecting workers’ rights should be at the top of every small company owner’s priority list. Various laws enacted to promote fair and equal protection for all employees give the direction required to educate companies and employees on the relevance and value of good employee treatment.

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Emphasizing employee rights benefits employees and businesses by reducing misconceptions and minimizing the occurrence of unlawful behaviors and incidents. Here is how to achieve this.

1. Study and understand the law

Examine the legislation and understand how the law affects your firm, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Fair Labor Standards Act, one of the principal statutes administered by the United States Department of Labor, mandates companies to pay the federal minimum wage. The Americans with Disabilities Act, implemented by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, protects impaired employees by requiring employers to make reasonable accommodations to help with job obligations. The Texas Labor Code, in particular, requires conformity to federal anti-discrimination and minimum wage laws.

2. Gain management support

If you want it done well, even if you’re at the top of the company’s structure, your management team should share the same beliefs and attitude to workplace rights. Educating your executives about federal and state legislation concerning your employees’ rights is critical. It is simple to give training and consultations to your management staff to get them up to speed as quickly as feasible. If you have an HR department, they should be able to address any inquiries about workplace rights and other issues.

3. Ensure to keep records

Even if you have given your employees the necessary workers’ rights documents, preserve copies. Take notes on any crucial talks you have about the matter as well. If you cannot take notes during the conversation, jot them down soon afterward, remembering to include key data such as the date, time, location, and names of everyone who participated. You must take care to only keep papers to which you have permission. Some employment discrimination lawsuits occur because employers duplicate secret papers they could not print, so keep this in mind.

4. Make fair wages a priority

According to the concept of equal pay, employees who accomplish the same job should be paid the same amount. The sole exception to this rule is if there are valid reasons for paying someone less, such as a seniority or experience gap. Here are a few techniques to determine whether your organization pays men and women equally. Look for trends in your payroll data. Do the majority of your female employees earn less than their male coworkers? Is this true across all departments?

If this is the case, there is most definitely a problem with equal pay at your job, and you should take action right now. Inquire directly about employees’ salaries by sending out an anonymous survey and asking questions such as, “Do you believe males are paid more than women?” In this manner, everyone will have the option to speak up without fear of repercussions from management, so feel free to consider this.

5. Provide a secure workplace

Your personnel should be able to carry out their responsibilities without jeopardizing their health. It is the employer’s job to offer this safety, and several methods exist, so keep this in mind. For starters, provide your personnel with the necessary PPEs. Whether it’s goggles, gloves, or a hard hat, ensure they can easily access them when needed for their job.

You can also offer instructions on how to use certain tools safely and effectively. Employees should know how to conduct themselves in any given scenario; if there is a risk associated with doing an assigned activity, tell them what measures they should take ahead of time. You also want to ensure that all places where people operate are appropriately examined for dangers, such as sharp items or chemicals, to prevent injuries or fatalities.

6. Employ the services of an attorney 

If you suspect an employee’s rights have been abused or a customer has filed assault charges against one of your workers, you should speak with a law professional about your issue. Professionals like assault charge attorney M.J. Snyder can assist you in determining the strength of your legal claim, working on your defense, representing you, and protecting your business. This will help you achieve better results or clear your name, so feel free to consider this.

7. Employees Should be given privacy rights

Employees must have a right to privacy; thus, the corporation should take privacy rights seriously in the workplace. Employers cannot, therefore, compel workers to provide personal information. You may request personal information if necessary but do so equitably for all employees. If an employer requests email addresses from all workers, they should also allow each employee to share their email addresses with everyone else in the organization.

8. Employ non-discrimination hiring practices

Employment discrimination, which is treating employees differently because of their race, gender, age, or handicap, is illegal. Therefore, you want to ensure the recruiting process is not discriminatory by giving all applicants equal opportunity. You cannot inquire about a person’s criminal history until you have made a conditional job offer, and you cannot inquire about an applicant’s age or military service before making an offer.

It would be preferable if you offered precedence to veterans who had received an honorable discharge. If you accept federal monies for your company activities (for example, contracts), you may be obligated to make reasonable accommodations for qualifying persons with disabilities, so keep this in mind.

The bottom line is that employees have many rights, and your employer’s responsibility is to defend them. If you fail to defend these rights, your company may face costly litigation and a terrible image. This will be financially detrimental to the firm, but it may also result in losing some of your finest employees who believe their rights are being infringed by management. As a result, it is critical to understand these rights to avoid problems in the future.

Published: December 3, 2022

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Jeremy Bowler

Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He's an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.

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