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Security for Your Telecommunications System

According to a 2015 survey, companies’ brand reputation fell by 81% if information was compromised through a cyberthreat. When a company falls prey to a cyberattack, allowing hackers and other cybercriminals to steal information from customers and employees, it…

Finding a PBX System for Your Small Business

When you’re starting a business, you spend almost every minute of the day crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s (let’s assume your racing thoughts allow you to sleep). One of the most important decisions…

3 Effective Communication Methods That Promote Small Business Growth

When we think of simple ways to improve our business, we normally think about where we can cut cost or how we can pioneer the next big thing. Very few times, however, do we consider…

Cloud-Based Unified Communications

Unified communications (UC) cloud services are likely the most useful services many businesses will ever have. A UC cloud-based service can offer a flexibility that hosted and managed services can’t. The service lets companies be more agile, scalable, and…

2017 Tech Trends to Watch

As telecommunication service providers, TTI is intrigued by all things technology. Luckily, 2017 is a great year to be a tech geek. The tech trends this year range from advancements that have been predicted by entertainment…

6 Top Business Communication Trends to Expect in 2017

For the first 95 percent of recorded human history to the present, communication was possible only face to face or in written form. Then, Mr. Bell revolutionized communication with the telephone in 1876. The next…

Make the Switch to Cloud Communications

These days, it seems that everyone is talking about how great the “cloud” is. After all, the cloud can help connect your employees over a range of devices, anytime, anywhere. But what is cloud-based communications…

Cloud PBX vs. Premise-Based PBX

It can be difficult to choose between premise-based PBX and cloud PBX systems. When making this decision, you should consider which phone system works the most efficiently at the most reasonable cost for your budget…

5 Reasons Why SIP Trunking is a Game Changer

Modernizing any system of communication is crucial to the workplace, especially in this lightning-fast digital era. Any company looking to upgrade their outdated systems to a more current version is right to do so; existing VoIP technology is…

Call Recording Consent and Ethics

Good businesses genuinely care about each and every interaction that they have with their business partners, associates, and customers. Regardless of who answers the phones, the message should be delivered clearly and concisely. These phone…

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