Personal Readiness

How to Find Joy and Start a Business in Uncertain Times

There comes a point when you think to yourself “this is not what I expected my life to look like.” When you reach that point you have two options. You can continue as if nothing happened,…

8 Essential Attributes of a Successful Mindset

It’s easy to declare yourself an entrepreneur, but it’s not so easy to convince investors, your team and customers that you are that special one to fund and follow. If you don’t consistently display the…

The Entrepreneurial Lives of Millennials

Society has a love/hate relationship with Millennials right now. Especially when it comes to looking at them in the job market. Either you love to love them, or you love to hate them. There’s not…

4 Success Tips from Accomplished Millionaires (and a Bonus!)

We are living in Startup Era! It’s never been easier for both white and blue collar employees to quit their jobs and start their own entrepreneurship project. When you decide to start your own business,…

Is Intelligence Enough to Get Ahead and Stay Successful?

We know it takes more than intelligence alone to be a good leader and get ahead. Just what are those key qualities that allow you to rise above the sea of people with identical academic…

Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

The path to becoming a million-dollar entrepreneur is filled with hurdles, obstacles, and other companies who don’t want to see you succeed. As a hard-working entrepreneur, you know you have to keep moving forward even…

7 Inspiring Books You Must Read

She told me to turn off the light. It was 8pm and it was time to sleep according to the adult’s house rules. These were non-negotiable. My desire and passion for reading that I had…

Are You “Intelligent” Enough to Be an Entrepreneur?

Many people feel that they just aren’t smart enough to be an entrepreneur, yet there seems to be no convincing evidence that a high IQ is a prerequisite for this lifestyle. We all know of…

5 Things to Know About Starting a Business with Family

It sounds magical, doesn’t it? Living your dream with someone you trust, love and enjoy being around. Ditching the 9-5 where you’re surrounded by cubical walls, to sit in your garage with your spouse or…

You Were Good at Everything Before Someone Said Otherwise

When we were younger, we felt like anything was possible. We were artists, singers, dancers, scientists, mathematicians, writers, and maybe even the occasional wizard or superhero. Of course, we realized we couldn’t actually move objects…

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