Sales Activities

Moving Beyond the “Chaotic Buying Process”

It seems in recent months, the sales and marketing world is suddenly waking up to the fact the buying process/journey is not a linear process. That customers don’t go through an orderly process of: 1….

The Objection Crusher: 3 S System

Tim Wilson, the objection crusher, was our guest on the Cash Flow Show: Home Business Radio. He shared his technique for how to overcome objections using the 3 S system. Known as The Objection Crusher, Tim…

The Challenged Customer

Our customers (and us) live in worlds characterized by information overload, rapidly changing circumstances, increasing demands, rising management expectations, scarcer resources, increasing scale, disruption, distraction, and complexity. It’s impossible to avoid feeling overwhelmed, unbalanced, and distracted….

The “Chaotic” Buying Process

We know the importance of the marketing and sales process. It provides us a structured, disciplined approach to engaging our buyers. In theory, it should help us help the customer in navigating their buying process….

Influencing the Next Generation of B2B Buyers

Millennials might still seem like children to some. However, they are taking the labor market by storm. In fact, in just three years, Millennials will make up over 35% of the workforce. So, you need…

Who is Your Customer?

One of the single most important concepts in marketing and sales is the “Ideal Customer.” Yet it’s an area too few focus on. When I pose the question, “Who’s your ideal customer,” it’s usually met…

Why Are They Buying?

I was sitting in yet another deal review. The sales person was describing the deal, focusing on what the customer wanted to buy. The sales person described the products, the volumes, the competition, potential pricing……

What Did the Customer Learn as a Result of Our Meeting?

Usually, after a sales call, we ask ourselves, “Did I accomplish my objectives?” (That is if you assess yourself after the sales call.) It’s a critical question, we need to be purposeful and focused in…

Why Buy IT? Why Buy MINE? Why Buy NOW?

What a powerful set of three questions. These are so succinct, so well defined, so precise that everyone in sales and everyone involved in marketing must be able to answer these three questions without pause,…

Apply These 5 Retail Interior Design Trends Now to Wow Your Customers

Retail design trends are constantly changing. E-commerce has completely altered the face of retail and consumers are demanding more from brick and mortar shops. Since consumers can sit in front of their computer or browse…

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