Customer Service

A Competitive Advantage: Be Nice

If you’ve been reading my customer service articles or watching my weekly videos on YouTube, then you know my definition of being amazing is about consistently being better than average. And above average means exactly that. You don’t have to be over-the-top amazing.

Amazing Customer Service Gives a Competitive Edge

Amazing customer service is just a little better than average. That in itself isn’t amazing. What makes it amazing is when it is a little better than average—all of the time. It’s the consistency that makes the difference.

Core Values Are the Key to Customer Service

Core values affect the customer service experience—for external customers as well as internal customers (employees). They can attract customers to do business with you, and be a motivating factor for employees to enjoy their work and do it well.

Increase Your Customer Loyalty with a Contact Center

Next generation contact centers have the ability to increase customer satisfaction and enhance the consumer experience, which in turn increases one of the most important components of having a successful business—customer loyalty.

What’s Your Customer Service Legend?

Do you have a legendary customer service story? If you do, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it to inspire your employees and motivate customers to want to do business with you.

How to Get Your Customer to Pay 10% More: Easy Service!

A recent Avaya study showed that 66% of customers will STOP spending money with you if your service is inconvenient. The study further points out that what is truly at stake is the lifetime value of that customer. If a customer feels that an experience is low effort and efficient, they appreciate it.

Even in Crisis, Outstanding Customer Experiences Can Put Companies on Top

Not delivering an outstanding customer experience can lead to unfavorable opinions about a brand, and even an entire industry. Many small businesses don’t prepare for a crisis, leaving them susceptible to public criticism and the potential loss of customers and revenue.

Encourage Complaints To Improve Customer Service

Some companies track a monthly “complaints and compliments ratio” for each branch, store, department, country or station. This approach has a fundamental flaw when it comes to customer service training.

What’s Inconvenient Customer Service Costing You?

Avaya this week announced the results of a Customer Effort Impact Survey that highlights how the amount of work a customer exerts to obtain service affects business priorities of revenue and market growth, brand loyalty, and operational margins.

Are There Any Customer Service Absolutes?

Customer service would be easy if absolutes such as these were indeed true. In today’s highly interactive world of customized customer service, nothing could be LESS needed than training in such fallible absolutes.

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