People Skills

The Most Admired Entrepreneurs Are Servant Leaders

Startups provide leadership in the market. Entrepreneurs provide leadership to their startup. There are many styles of leadership, like dictatorial, laissez-faire, and democratic. One that I hear discussed more these days, in this age of relationships, is called “servant” leadership.

How the Most Successful Leaders Manage the Brilliant Naysayer

Most every company has a Harold (or Harriet). Typically, he has been with the company for 20-plus years. He knows more about industry norms, the company’s intellectual property, your IT capabilities, what legal will and will NOT go for, interoffice politics, and the CEO’s family than anyone in the building. And unfortunately for you, good old Harold can effortlessly—and with absolutely no malice intended—recite four to six reasons why your idea won’t fly.

8 Ways to Inspire Employee Behavior That You Can Implement Today

Leaders create the vision, set company goals, and develop strategies—but it is front line employees who execute the plan. They are the ones who carry out the daily tasks and initiatives that help make a leader’s vision become a reality. They are the ones who interact daily with the customers who are the life blood of any successful organization.

5 Essential Characteristics That Differentiate Leaders from Managers

Often people use the terms leaders and managers interchangeably. But nothing could be further from the truth! There are numerous characteristics that differentiate leaders from managers. While some of the differences are subtle, others are distinct and easily recognized.

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