Open Culture

3 Pillars of All Successful Organizations

Business results are the ultimate outcome. If you set your goal to develop engaged employees who create loyal customers, then your organization will be resistant to competitive pressures and deliver stronger business results, more efficiently.

Create and Nurture Your Collective Intelligence

At the MIT Center of Collective Intelligence, professors and graduate students are wrestling with an important opportunity—and gaining ground. With new collaborative tools available for use in the cloud, people are no longer isolated in their creative endeavors.

5 Tactics to Inspire Collaboration on Your Team

Getting a diverse group of individuals to join forces and cooperate as a team can be a real challenge. If your crew members would rather sail solo than share the effort, you may need a little help to inspire them to work together.

Balancing Work and Play while You’re on Vacation

As a small business owner who’s driven to achieve success, it can be easy to let time get away while focusing on work. Work-vacation balance tips can help business owners who feel they must bring work along with them on vacation.

How to Make Sure Your Startup is Built on Values

Strategy matters, but without a winning culture and the right values to drive it forward, your strategy will take you nowhere. Good leaders matter, but you need a positive values culture in order to attract the best leaders to compete effectively.

6 Ways Entrepreneurs Become Great Problem Solvers

The real entrepreneurs I know are good at overcoming both people problems and business obstacles, and get satisfaction from the challenge. Some people think this is a talent that you must be born with, but experts disagree. You can definitely train yourself to be a problem solver, if you haven’t already.

6 Ways to Cultivate Creativity in Your Company

The startup scene today is an overcrowded space where companies are constantly vying for talent. But hiring talented people is only the first step in cultivating an innovative and creative environment. Building a workplace where there is a constant exchange of ideas involves finding the right formula for your company and culture.

Coaching for Better Performance

Coaching is one skill that managers should practice on a continual basis, as it has become so much more important in recent times. With fewer staff members and a sustained emphasis on reducing costs, managers are being challenged to coax the best possible performance out of everyone on their team.

Creative Job Titles Help Create and Define Corporate Culture

Some companies have chosen to label their employees something other than employees. They call them team members, associates or other more endearing and personalized names and titles. With a little creativity, you can come up with a title for your employees, or even specific jobs, that can have a positive effect on the culture and experience that both the employees and your customers have with your organization.

How an Entrepreneur Can Be Open But Stay in Control

The emergence of social networking and the Internet has caused a new focus and value on “openness,” which leads to a new element of leadership, called “Open Leadership.” The mantra of open leadership is “Be Open, Be Transparent, and Be Authentic.” This is counter to the traditional business premise of “control,” so many companies are still pushing back.

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