Best Practices

3 Ways Great Leaders Handle Great Adversity

The most resilient, impressive leaders I know have found ways to be courageous in the face of great adversity; life challenges lift them up instead of knock them down.

8 Productivity-Boosting Tips for Prioritizing Your Work Day, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we talked about four “productivity hacks” related to working smarter and approaching work in a more organized way—as well as embracing the strengths of technologies you use on the job. Here are four more pillars to productivity success.

8 Productivity-Boosting Tips for Prioritizing Your Work Day, Part 1

If you feel stuck, you may be able to get more revved up and accomplish more by pursuing some strategies to boost productivity and work smarter, not harder. Here are some essential ways to prioritize work, in order to move forward and break out of a rut.

Best Biz Tips from Buffett, Bezos, and Ben Franklin

The world’s top businesspeople didn’t accidentally fall into success. Here are some of the most valuable pieces of entrepreneurial wisdom from the world’s top entrepreneurs.

We’re All Going to Mess Up

No one is perfect, we make mistakes. Situations and circumstances change, making what we’ve done wrong. However well we may have planned, prepared, anticipated, something happens and we fail.

10 Top Traits of the Boss You Always Wanted

Everyone can recognize a great manager a mile away, so why is it so hard to find one? We all remember a few that are “legends in their own mind,” but that doesn’t do it. In fact, the clue here is that the view in your mind is the only one that matters, rather than the other way around.

The 6 A’s of Successful Leadership

Great business leaders don’t merely reach their goals of achieving growth within an organization; they carry themselves in a way that garners the respect of those around them.

Becoming Indispensable to Your Company

Becoming indispensable to your company is not a quick and easy task. You must be dedicated to this agenda for the duration of your career. It takes time, but these steps can only help you to succeed.

What Are the Ingredients of a Successful Company Manager?

Managing the affairs of a small business is no easy task, and as such there are certain traits that a company manager should possess if they’re expected to perform well in the face of adversity.

Lessons Learned From My First Business

I, like many entrepreneurs, have run more than one successful business. Now, looking back, I realize there were several lessons that I learned with my first business that I carried through to my current one.

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