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Tax and Accounting
2014 Tax Changes Small Business Owners Should Know About
While we can be certain that we’ll face taxes from time to time, that doesn’t mean that the rules will stay the same from year to year.Let’s take a look at a few of the changes that you may see when you do taxes this year.
When is Tax Form 1099-MISC Due to Contractors?
Everyone needs a little help now and then. If these people are not your employees, they are contractors and need to be given a 1099-MISC.
Looking to Expand to Another Country? Check Your Finance Translations First
There are many barriers to entering into a completely unfamiliar market in another country, but the benefits that it carries are huge. One of these barriers can be language.
Is Your Small Business Victim to These Tax Myths?
If you ever aren’t sure on something a friend tells you about your taxes, always make sure to check the IRS site. If you can’t find the answer there, look to someone who is supposed to know tax laws before deducting anything on your taxes.
Year End Planning: Payroll
Doing your last payroll for the year is an important time to make sure you have a tax plan in place. That payroll is often the last cash transaction for the year; your last chance for tax deductions.
Small Business Tax Deadlines and Tips: November and December
As October comes to a close this week, it’s time to take a look ahead at the tax deadlines for the remainder of 2013.
Business vs. Hobby
Many taxpayers engage in activities they enjoy and do it for a business purpose. Whether the IRS considers it as a business or hobby has important income tax implications.
Tax Tips If You Are Starting a Business
If you plan to start a new business, or you’ve just opened your doors, it is important for you to know your federal tax responsibilities. Here are five basic tips the IRS provides that can help you get started.
Maximize Tax Deductions Now to Save on 2013 Taxes
Tax deductions can be quite valuable, because they reduce taxable income for the year. For example, a self-employed individual or independent contractor in the 25% tax bracket can save $25 in income tax for every $100 in deductions, while also saving as much as $15 in self-employment taxes for every $100 deduction from taxable income.
3 Surprising Ways a Government Shutdown Hurts Small Business
At first glance, it might seem that the government shutdown will affect only those small businesses that sell products or services to the federal government or one of its agencies. According to Gary Milkwick, CPA and Vice President at 1800Accountant, there are three surprising ways the government shutdown is likely to affect small businesses.