Budgeting and Personal Finance

Woman planning out her future with investments

How Does a SPAC as an Alternative Investment Work?

It might sound a lot like SPAM, but a SPAC may be hitting the kitchen portfolio of your table soon. By 2021 SPACs had raised more than $162 billion dollars according to data from SPAC…

red carpet entrance

Don’t Make the Money Mistakes of These 5 Celebrities

An increase in assets doesn’t come with an increase in financial acumen. Whether your financial windfall came from a successful startup or a big sale, you need to be aware of the many scams, frauds,…

military family outside house with American falg

Veteran and Military Business Discounts for the 4th of July (and All Year!)

As America celebrates her Independence Day this week, what better time to highlight the military men and women and their families who have continuously made that freedom possible? There’s no way to adequately thank members…

5 Strategies to Boost Your Retirement Savings

You’ve built your own business and ready to pass the keys to others, or you’re winding down your employed career. Whether your retirement date is fast approaching or you still have a few years to…

an older man and woman planning for retirement

7 Crucial Things to Do Before Retirement

Retirement frees you from tight work schedules and gives you time to follow your passions. However, transitioning from work to retirement can be stressful, particularly if you didn’t prepare for it adequately enough. While retirement…

a business owner handling a budget and debts

Handling Budgets and Debts When Expanding

For small businesses and new entrepreneurs, the prospect of expansion is both exciting and daunting. It signifies growth, increased profits, and an extended customer base. But handling budgets and debts when expanding your business is…

a diversified portfolio

5 Reasons Small Business Owners Should Diversify Finances

As a small business owner, it’s easy to become so engrossed in running and managing your business, that you completely neglect your broader personal and familial finances. IMG Source – https://unsplash.com/photos/wHsOV75Xi8Y Relying solely on a…

common tax deductions and breaks

4 Most Common Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023

Like most people, you’re probably thinking about how to maximize profit and keep more of your hard-earned money. Understanding and taking advantage of the most common tax deductions can greatly alleviate this burden and even…

a multi generational family celebrating a birthday

Budgeting Tips for the Sandwich Years

The sandwich years are not, unfortunately, a period in your life that you can spend investigating the formula for the perfect Reuben or eating all the peanut butter and jelly concoctions your heart ever desired….

reviewing a reverse mortgage

Reverse Mortgages: The Pros and Cons Explained

A reverse mortgage is a unique type of loan that allows seniors to unlock the equity in their homes and access funds without having to make monthly payments. You might have heard about it before,…

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