Nellie Akalp

Nellie Akalp is a passionate entrepreneur, small business advocate and mother of four. As CEO of CorpNet, a legal document filing service, Nellie helps entrepreneurs start a business, incorporate, form an LLC or set up Sole Proprietorships (DBAs) for a new or existing business. She has formed more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs across the U.S., building a strong passion to assist small business owners in starting, running, and protecting their small businesses the right way. Check out her Google + Page.


8 Things to Do After You Incorporate a Business

If you’ve created a formal business structure for your business, then you know you’ve taken a big step toward protecting your personal assets and setting the foundation for your business. But you might be wondering what’s next.

Taking Care of Business: 3 Options for Incorporation

While many startups consider themselves too small for incorporation, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Here are three methods to consider when incorporating your business:

Get Your Business Legal Ready for 2014

We’ve entered the home stretch of 2013 and the holidays are in full swing. The next few weeks will be hectic for everyone, but particularly for small business owners as it is easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. It’s time to take a moment to stop and make sure your business is “legally fit” for 2014.

Are You Still Using Your Personal Bank Account for Your Business?

For the small business owner, there’s typically little separation between business and personal. You bring your work home (or you may even work from home). You’ve probably invested your own money in the business, or skipped a pay check or two to keep the business going.

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Liability

While it’s true that some businesses are inherently riskier than others, all business owners (including freelancers) should be familiar with potential liability issues and what they can do to minimize the risk.

How to Solve the Top Pitfalls of Working from Home

The number of Americans working from home has jumped 41 percent since 1999. And as technology continues to evolve (mobile, social, collaboration), we can expect more growth in work-at-home jobs and telecommuting.

How to Name Your Business

A name is the cornerstone of your business—it sets the stage for your branding and identity. Just imagine if Target still went by its original name: The Dayton Dry Goods Company. If you’re about to start a business (or maybe are thinking about rebranding an existing business), you’ve probably been brainstorming for the perfect name.

How to Start a Home-Based Business

If you’re thinking of starting a business but may be overwhelmed with all of the tasks at hand, consider starting it out of your home. You’ll have lower overhead if you don’t have to pay for office space, and the shortest commute in the world! Here are tips for starting a home-based business.

Contract Agreements Every Small Business Should Have in Place

It might be tempting to seal a deal with a handshake. After all, verbal formalities just slow things down—and as a small business owner, you’ve got countless other things to do to run your business. However, having the proper contracts in place will give you and your business solid legal protection should the need arise.

How to Re-Build a Successful Team the Second Time Around

For the serial entrepreneur, it’s hard to know whether to bring back the same team or start fresh for your second or third company. If you’re building a team the second or third time around, here are some questions to ask before you start calling the original team back to action.