Promote Product Pages
If you are trying to figure out what pages that you should spend time promoting, promote the product pages of your site. You can do this by running advertising campaigns to link to those pages directly. Additionally, you can write content that will link to these product pages. Some types of content that you can write in order to promote the product pages include reviews and feature articles that provide an overview of particular products. You can also make product recommendations to your users via helpful articles and link to the product pages in the articles.
Don’t Forget About PPC
PPC advertising, or pay-per-click advertising is a very popular method of advertising for eCommerce businesses. It can be highly profitable and drive a large percentage of sales. If your eCommerce business is not currently using PPC advertising, consider experimenting by using it to promote your bestselling products.
PPC campaigns need to be carefully monitored in order to ensure that they provide a return on investment. Therefore, it would be a good idea to get an internet marketing company involved or at the very least hire a professional pay-per-click advertising manager.
Track Your Progress
Ecommerce businesses can require a lot of money spent on marketing. Therefore, you should make sure that you are tracking your campaigns so that you can see how the money is being spent. Invest in tools to track your online marketing success and install analytics tools on your website. If necessary, consider investing in an online marketing manager that can monitor all that goes on and suggests adjustments to strategies as necessary.
This article was originally published by The Mail